Sunday, March 25, 2007

I made up my mind.....Snicker

After visiting shelters, talking to vet techs, asking lots of questions about behavior, socialization and so on, I made up my mind. Even though I was hell bent on getting a purebred chihuahua, the more I asked about the older ones (which is what I wanted from the rescues and shelters) the more I realized that they are not so nice with other dogs or children - even though we don't have either right now, this is a dog for life and we want another dog later and we might have grandchildren one of these days!

So, I went up to meet Snicker. He was so sweet right from the start. He has been living part time at the vet hospital and part time with the woman that runs the rescue. He's had some health problems - 2 surgeries (one cherry eye and one ruptured umbilical hernia) plus he had the red mange - not contagious - just means that his immune system needs some help. He's taking meds and is much better now that he was in January. AND HE'S SO SWEET! I needed a sweet loving dog. Not one that is so hyper that he drives you crazy, but one that has a normal activity level, is socialized with other dogs, cats, humans, and is curious about his surroundings - AND is housebroken.

Snicker is all of these things. The first thing he did was reach up for me to pet him, then he stayed right by my side. We went out in the yard to play and he was having so much fun. He barked to get the other dogs attention and wanted them to come and play.

The vet tech there was telling me all about him. He's so sweet, so loving, they all loved him and he was one of their all time favorites. Coming from a vets office, I have to say that I am impressed. I saw how many files were on their walls. They have TONS of patients. And of all of those files, a good number had to be dogs.

Then I brought him through the vets office and he was fine with the other dogs, didn't bother the cats, was happy-go-lucky and off we went!!

We got into the truck and just sat in the cab for a little while. He and I were hugging and petting and he was so happy to be going home with me. NO issues with separation anxiety, hostility or any other psychological problems. All he wanted to do was sit on my lap.

He's about 15 lbs, I think a little over weight. He's a chihuahua mixed with something.....we're not sure. Some people said pug, it could be dachshund, I'm not sure and really I don't care. In fact, whatever he's mixed with, he's very smart.

I'm reading about positive dog training - using clickers and treats. He's a nibbler, so I might have a tough time with the treat part because he's not so hip to the treats. I will have to find something that is irresistible to him. Petco here I come. I did already buy him a little bandana and a little outfit for colder days. The girls laughed at him in his outfit and he wouldn't come out from under the table - so I don't think he liked it too much :)

So far, he only marked one spot in my bedroom where Rusty had marked alot..........I've cleaned, baking soda'd the carpet, Pet Odor Febrezed it and have tried everything to help him get past the Rusty smell. So far, that's all he's done. He's found a spot in my bed to sleep in between us at our feet, we don't have a problem with it. He sleeps all night, even snores!! It's hilarious!

We're off, going to take him to the dog park: in Oceanside. It's new as of last September. I've never been, but I heard it's nice. I'll let you know.

"The best way to keep children home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant--and let the air out of the tires."

-- Dorothy Parker

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