Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Deed is Done

Rusty is spending the night at the kennel waiting for his new family. I hope that he finds just the right person. He's a totally sweet little guy, loving, cuddly, affectionate - it's hard to believe that he hates other dogs so much. I took him to Starbucks this morning to get a coffee. There were people outside having their coffee with their dogs. We were in the car and he was snarling and growling and barking - trying to get to them. It really scared me to get out of the car, in case he bolted. But my neighborhood Starbucks, isn't a drive thru, so I have to get out if I wanted coffee.

Then when I took him to the kennel, they knew him and already had a place reserved for him, all by himself. Couldn't put him in with another dog. I realize that even though I cried because I'm already so attached, he wasn't the right dog for me. And the right dog is out there for me!

I want a small dog, under 10 lbs, short hair, nice temperament, socialized, loving, cuddly, loves people and other dogs. I want to take him to the dog park, the dog beach, play outside, walks in the neighborhood, put him or her in my purse and carry them around with me. That would be alot of fun! Any suggestions? A chi? yorkie? min pin?
"Here's all you need to know about men and women: Women are crazy, and men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid."

-- George Carlin

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