Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cool interview today

Cool interview today!

Not too often in your career that you can walk out of an interview and say that it was really cool. But today, I had that experience. Even if I don’t get the job, I wish them the best and I will look for them to do great things.

Randall Snyder, authored this book: Wireless Telecommunications Networking with ANSI-41 (Hardcover).  I interviewed with him this morning, pretty cool, huh?!? Well, you know I always say to follow the successful people, you’ll be successful too. The job is an Internal Program Manager to help out with processes, implementation, coordination, communication. I believe I could really make a difference there. They are a growing company, growing pretty fast, and have great technology products. It’s exciting, they just need to get some control on what’s going on with all of their work. I could coordinate for them and help organize and stay on top of things.

Besides, they are a good company, culture that is inline with what I like. Plus, they seem like they have the same goals I do – success – dollars – early retirement! All of those things are appealing to me.

Well, I would like to hear from them later today, but I don’t know, I’ll just have to wait…..wait and see……..

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