Saturday, September 10, 2005



I’ve been asked to participate in a workshop/presentation on blogging with other bloggers in the Cincinnati area. Some of them blog for work and some for personal, like I do. We are going to be asked to talk about the blogging tool that we use and what it can offer people. I found Blogger and it was so easy to set it up, configure the GUI, plus they add in all new cool little features, like ability to blog from email, blog from mobile phone, and the latest new thing I’ve downloaded is the ability to blog from Word. That’s cool, it’s easy and I’m testing it right now.

I’m gonna pick a funky font and see if it will take the font settings with it.  Anyway, I’m just playing around. I gotta get going out into the big beautiful world today, my daughter is leaving for Calfornia tomorrow, so I have errands to run!!

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