Sunday, April 03, 2005

My Vacation Week

It Was Heavenly!!

My vacation is coming to an end and tomorrow morning when I get up I have to get ready for work. Not sure if I'm ready for it. I enjoyed my week off so much. It was very relaxing and fun. Spring showed itself for the first time during last week. I was so happy to have those days off to enjoy it. I loved being outside those days.

Now, it's back to, busy schedules, kids, pool practice and all the other things that I have to do. I think the next time that I'll see Guitarman will be Wed for a short time and then next weekend to shoot pool I could certainly use the practice. I need to be fearless when I shoot in tournaments. I need to turn on the charm, use the psychological advantage.

So, it was good to have the week off. I spent time with friends, that was fun, got to relax, go out, probably drank a little too much, but it was a good time.

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