Sunday, December 12, 2004

Office Holiday Party

fun to get dressed up

Last night was our Office Holiday Party. It was my first Christmas party of the season with at least 5 more to go! The affair was semi-formal dress, so this allowed the women to get dressed up. I wore a black, velvet skirt slit up each side to my mid-thigh, textured pantyhose, glittery top and fur-lined, velvet, long coat. I was considering wearing my hair up, but it just didn't look right, so I wore in down. I went with Sue, Rainman didn't want to go. (He doesn't do "corporate" events.)

We had sooooooooo much fun!

The food was great, open bar, met a few new people and got to visit with some of them that I work with. But only 3 of us were there from my department out of 16. I think those that didn't come would have had a good time. There was a little bit of dancing, you know, the usual stuff - electric slide, cha-cha, and then some couple dancing. I didn't like the rap songs and the dancing to that. But it's so popular and the people that dance to it surprise you.

I was surprised in a couple of ways. There weren't as many people there as I expected. I thought there would be 100+ people there, just because we have pretty many consultants in our office. Then add a date/significant other/spouse to the mix, and you've easily got 200+. Surprise, the tables were set up for 80 and there were less than 70 people there.

Another surprise - none of the "bosses" were there. My manager wasn't there, his manager was there, some of the account executives were not there. No one gave any kind of "hello and welcome to your Holiday Party! Hope you have a good time. Here's to having another successful year......." NOTHING! In fact, if you didn't know that you were attending this event, you would not have known by attending it. If you know what I mean.

Surprise #3 - people got there close to 8 and left around 10. Unbelievable. All of a sudden the whole place emptied out. There used to be the party, then the after-party at the bar, then move it to someone's hotel room for the after-after-party. Of course, the party would be at a big hotel downtown. This one was at one of the country clubs (where we had our golf outing). So, Sue and I left and went to Pilot Inn for a drink and just more conversation!

Surprise #4 - we usually have door prizes, charity raffle - buy $10 worth of tickets, raffle off some great prizes like passes to the zoo, laser game packages, hotel passes for a night, movie passes, etc. It's a great way to raise money - which we donate to local charitable organizations. But this year, we didn't do any of that.

Like I said, I had a good time, but for those of you that know me, know I can have a good time just sitting on your porch. So really I'm not the barameter of what's a good time.

One thing that was hilarious. There were cameras on the table, so we were taking pictures of everyone. Got bored, went into the Women's Lounge where there is a fabulous chaise lounger. I LOVE that 'fainting couch'! At the golf outing, I was plotting how to take it home with me - haha! So, last night Sue took my picture lounging on it and then my other friend, then both of us together. I'm really afraid to see those shots!

Here's the pics from the party!


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