Thursday, December 02, 2004

Holiday far good!!

What a FANTASTIC week it's been! I've been so busy, I haven't had time to give you an update! So here it is! ...

I've had more opportunities this week to spend time with my youngest daughter. I mean, as a Mom, it's fantastic to spend time with my teenagers. They don't always want to "hang out" with me, but they do like to be with me and do things with me. So that's really fun. I suspect that in January, they will be doing more with me then. Because my significant other gave a bid on another place to live this week and they accepted the offer. I imagine that he'll be moving in about 10-15 days from now. We'll all have our own space - which is really needed at this point - and everyone will be happy.

Anyway, Monday night, she and I hung out, made some plans for her upcoming birthday, went to the salon for her nails and just talked about the family, things going on, future plans. It was totally cool.

Then on Tuesday, I was invited to attend an awards ceremony at University of Cincinnati in the newly built and absolutely gorgeous Tangeman Center. The presentation was held in the Great Room, which is a wonderful space. It can hold over a 1,000 people, has a spectacular view overlooking Nippert Stadium. The new Tangeman Center is located in the Main Street Area on campus. It's phenomenal! As a former student, the campus has definitely changed and improved. It was fascinating to visit campus again! Makes me want to take more classes :)

I am so glad that I attended the awards ceremony. I nominated one of my former professors, Dr. Grace Auyang, Behavioral Sciences. She taught me so much, sparked an interest in sociology for me that is still alive. I use it daily in my career and in meeting people. It's very rewarding to have broadened my horizons and to have the desire to challenge myself with interpersonal/team building skills. She was one of the awardees. I was her official cheerleader and photographer! I took photos of the presenters including: Dr. Nancy Zimpher, the President of the University, Dr. Mitchell Livingston, Vice-President for Student Affairs and Services, and Professor Barr, the initiator of the diversity program. I also took photos of Grace and her other colleagues and friends. I was fortunate enough to have my picture taken with many of her colleagues and friends, including Dr. Zimpher and Dr. Livingston. I was very impressed with the presentation and the organization of this event. It was wonderful to see some of my acquaintances from my university days there also. Overall, it was a rewarding experience. I hope to attend others on campus.

Later that night, a friend and colleague of mine arrived here from Brussels to work for the week. I love when he's in town. We have so much fun and he loves to shop - a guy that loves to shop is a girl's best friend!! He attended his day long of meetings on Wednesday and then afterwards we went shopping. He visited my house for the first since we've known yesterday, gave me a few pointers on my newly painted kitchen, and then helped me pick out accessories and my quest for new dishes at the Jeffersonville Prime Outlets. We visited quite a few stores: Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Kirklands, Pottery Barn, Oneida, Kitchen Collections, and some others. We bought some clothing for gifts, some decor for my kitchen, but came up empty on the dinnerware. So the search for the perfect dinnerware pattern is still on!!

After we shopped, which went on for many hours, we went to Montgomery Inn for a delicious dinner of the World's Greatest Ribs! Well, the guys had ribs, I had a blackened scallop salad. Very nice combination of greens and scallops with fat free honey mustard dressing - still trying to make good chioces - keep off the 35 pounds that I've lost :) and continue to lose more!! Dinner was great and we had so much fun, talking and laughing. I really love when he's in town. I want to travel to Europe and visit him in his own environment, I'm sure we would have a wonderful time.

Tonight, is the Women's Circuit Holiday Party at Oaktree Montessori School in Over-The-Rhine. It is going to be quite an event, to say the least! I'll write more about it tomorrow.

Hey, I gotta get going. Thanks for reading. Please send comments!!

Happy far!!

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