Friday, December 28, 2007

Today's Heavenly Thought

Working from home....

Some people are good at it. They get so much more done at home than they do in the office. Sometimes I'm one of those people. I can concentrate more in my office, where I control the environment, the interruptions, the workflow, the information. All of those things are important, but then there are other times when I feel it's absolutely imperative to be in the office. It's easier to interface directly with others to resolve issues, gain knowledge, get information or instruction.

Today was a good day to work from home. I accomplished quite a bit and will probably work a little more over the weekend and definitely on Monday. I'm not much of a New Year's Eve person, would prefer to stay home with my honey and have our own little party, if you know what I mean!

Tonight, we're going to head out to look at Christmas lights. It's kind of rainy, but I think people will turn on their holiday lights in spite of it. We'll see. All we'll do is spend time and a little gas in the car. If the pictures will come out, I'll post them tomorrow.

Take care and have a great night!

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."
---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Regular Blogging

I'm saying it again, I hope that this time I stick to it. It's my New Years Resolution, a little early. I'm going to blog regularly again. Even if it's only a few lines every day. I will find a few minutes just to jot down my thoughts.

And of course, I'm going to lose weight - that's my two big resolutions. AGAIN!!

Hit the gym, walk alot, ride a bike and blog. Doesn't seem too bad.

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."
---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Getting Settled In

Hard to believe - I mean everytime I drive down the street, I am amazed that I am in familiar settings. We're back in Cincinnati - permanently. It's totally awesome. We had Christmas in town with our family and friends in our new house.

The house - well, what do they say about the "best laid plans"? It's so true. Everything was set for closing on 12/14. I was just waiting for the dollar amount to get it from the bank, tick tock, God I was a wreck waiting. Then at 3:30 in the afternoon the call came and it was a disappointing phone call. The bank reviewed the appraisal at the last minute, compared it to the surrounding houses that sold and decided the house was over-priced and pulled the financing. So, literally 2 hrs before the closing it was all over, cancelled, NO HOUSE!


The movers had already picked up our belongings, my job had already started, my daughter already had roommates to take our place in the townhome we lived in, mail was already being delivered to the new place (by accident) and here we were - no house at the last minute - and we have to come, no choice. The wheels were in motion.

So, once we got over the shock of the house - we ventured off to come to Cincinnati. We started out on Sat, 12/15 and drove for 2 days, then stopped in Austin to take a day off, visit with some friends, and just relax. Get out of the car, let the dog run and play in the backyard. What a great day! We loved every minute of it, visiting. Then back on the road - drove to Cincinnati arriving here around 7pm on Wednesday 12/19.

Worked on Thursday, closed on the house that night and the furniture arrived in the morning! What a trip! Everything down to the wire.

I'll write more later and post some of our funny pics taken on the trip.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Cincinnati Bound

All I can say is YIPPEE!! We are less than 2 weeks from closing on our house and heading out on another wonderful adventure in life. I am totally amazed at how all of this has come together. I mean, one minute, I'm spending 10-15 hrs a week commuting then next thing I know, I'm flying to Cincinnati and working a new project at Ethicon and trying to stay on top of things at my current job. I had a very challenging week, making plans for the move, staying with my friend who has no internet connection at her house, which meant I had to stop in Panera Bread on my way to and from from work every day!

It's been a crazy week, but you know what? It's totally worth it. I know that it's all changing and soon I will be a Cincinnati Girl working a Cincinnati Job and seeing my Cincinnati family and friends. I'll be home for Christmas! OMG - last year, on this date, I had my foot surgery.......what a day that was!! I have never had sooooo much pain in my life. I will never forget it. When morphine doesn't touch the pain, you know it's more pain than you can stand.

But this is a new year. 2007, Christmas, in Cincinnati with my family. I just can't believe it. We are going to be in Cincinnati. We might not have furniture, we might only have what we are bringing with us, but hey, we will be in our new house and home for the holidays.

When we get to town we need a few things: sofa, lounge chair, coffee table, end table, coffee pot, desk and office chair, a 4 drawer file cabinet and a few other items. But the living room furniture is a must. We're leaving our living room furniture here for my daughter. Plus a bunch of stuff in the kitchen. So, we are leaving a legacy here and making a new one in Cincinnati.

So, if you're in Cincinnati and you know someone that is getting new furniture for Christmas, maybe we can be the recipient of the old stuff!!

Happy Holidays! I'll see you soon!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!


I hope you had a wonderful time on Thanksgiving and had the 5 F's - FUN - FAMILY - FRIENDS - FOOTBALL - and of course, FOOD!!

Ours was wonderful and the meal seemed to come together so easily. I was so pleased. We had turkey, stuffing, green beans, corn, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, parsnips, cheesy rolls and pumpkin pie! YUM! Everything was homemade by us and delicious. We have leftovers and plan on having them for dinner.

I've spent most of my day packing up my treasures. Today seemed like it was the day to pack just treasures. I went around and packed all the fragile items. Snicker hung with me all day, sniffing and helping me. In fact, he's laying next to me right now. He's such an integral part of our lives. I'm so happy that he's here. He's going to LOVE our new place.

Here's our new house back in Cincinnati! It's so hard to believe, it happened SO FAST! And without a hitch. Geez. I just am amazed. New house, back home, back to my job. We truly have come full circle. I'm so glad he's called me and put things back together. Less cost, less traffic, more family and friends, huge yard, nice neighborhood, close to shopping and work, more time back to us - just saving commuting time alone will buy me 10 hrs a week or 520 hours a year! It's amazing.

I know that it's going to be winter there, I know that I'm leaving the best weather in the country behind. I have to be honest, I will miss it. I will miss the beach 7 miles from my house, the mountains that I can see from everywhere I go. I like my job, so I'll miss all my co-workers. But the truth is - I don't go to the beach hardly at all, I do drive to the mountains because they are my favorite. So, I will have to just make time to go to Colorado, to the mountains and enjoy time off. The fact that I'll gain 500 hrs a year is so worthwhile. I'm not getting any younger.....I hate to give away my time and money.

Things cost so much more here. Eggs $3/dz; milk $4.50/gal; meat is expensive; fruits and vegetables are cheap. Gas is $3.40/gal. Food, clothes, furniture, etc. All cost more.

I'm coming home! We moving back by Christmas! Another adventure and to be honest - I hope it's the last one of this magnitude for a long time!!!!!! My future adventures should be known as vacations!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


What a week, I am realizing that the next month is going to be INSANE.


1. we bought a house in Loveland, OH
2. we close on the house 12/14
3. packing
4. working
5. traveling
6. driving
7. cooking
8. holidays
9. Bengals


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Carpe Diem!! "Seize the Day"

I'm about to make an announcement about a change that I'm making in my personal life that has a high impact on not only my immediate family, but friends, co-workers, companies and the like. This announcement is bubbling up in me to come out. BUT, I have one more hurdle to cross (hopefully today) in order to make the announcement. Timing IS everything!

I've given this serious thought for the last 7 months. Our family has discussed it and agreed with the plan. My best friend and I have talked about the feasibility, timing, steps to complete to get there. Originally we were talking next summer. However, it's like a speeding train, once it's in motion it's quite a task to stop it.

You know when things are working out when all pieces of the puzzle fit together so nicely that you couldn't have planned it that way. That's what it's like. Call it Karma, call it kismet, call it divine intervention, call it whatever you want. But do understand that even I, the project manager of my life, could not have pulled all of this together (again!) without help from above.

I can tell you this much: I love my life, I love the people and friends in my life and no matter what has happened they have been there for me through thick and thin, successes and failures, happy and sad times. We've kept a positive outlook and been able to influence our situation for the common good - the "win-win" - in our lives.

Last Christmas, we pulled together to help a family in Cincinnati that I knew was in need. We provided presents, rent money, food, Christmas tree and decorations, AND LOTS OF EVERYTHING, all while I was lying in bed recovering from foot surgery. I found my friends to be very generous, caring, giving and loving. And I was NOT surprised. They are great friends!! All Blessed and sharing the Blessings!

I am fortunate. I don't have any regrets, I cherish the memories, I try to live life to the fullest and seize the moment! Carpe Diem! I hope to be able to share my announcement by Monday night. I think many of you will be surprised, even shocked perhaps. Some of you will just nod and know that it's the best decision for me. And others will think I'm crazy! And you know what - you'll all be right! I am crazy, I am excited, I am happy and it IS the best thing for me and my 'soon-to-be' hubby.

More to come…………………...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Customer Service

Do you think that you get good customer service in the restaurants, retail stores, online stores, and telephone that you expect? Have you noticed that some places are GREAT at customer service and others are just horrid to call? I think the CSRs at American Express are wonderful, polite, helpful - I've never had a complaint. Same with Starbucks and most restaurants. But some fast food places, it's tough to get good service. Maybe taxi drivers are the worst, I'm not sure.

The old adage "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT", is a thing of the past. I can understand because honestly the customer is not always right. Oftentimes the customer needs to be 'guided' through a purchase process or even a repair process. I appreciate when I learn something from a CSR.

What are your experiences? I know that some places, if you are a support person, there are lots of stories of "dumb" people that call in. Especially in the computer field. You know some of the stories: My coffee cup holder is not working - it's really their CD drive. OR I don't see an 'any' key. and so on.

But what about from the consumer point of view? Do you have any funny stories about what a service person has said to you? Some "dumb" question they asked that was obvious? Please share! I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

some quick updates

Hi - I'm in a "bulleted list" mood. So here is my latest updates of random thoughts ;)

1. things are getting back to 'normal' in San Diego. I base this on the fact that it took me more than 35 minutes just to get onto the 805 north yesterday afterwork from my office. My office is less than 1 1/2 miles. Then after I got on the 805, it took me OVER 1 hr to get home. The total trip is 35 miles, takes me without heavy traffic about 35-40 min; total yesterday 1 hr and 45 minutes!!

2. work is good - I am appreciated at least. I got a Magellon GPS system for my car as a present yesterday! nice.

3. Hillary Clinton changes her mind in the middle of a sentence. But I have to say: IF YOU LIKE GW BUSH, YOU'LL LOVE HILLARY! God help us all!!

4. 11 illegals are in the hospital in San Diego, burned by the fires. I'm proud of our workers for sending them to the burn center, but I worry about who is going ot absorb the costs - could exceed $1.5 Million!! Oy!!

5. Drivers Licenses to Illegals............glad I don't live in NY State

6. My hubby is WONDERFUL, he made me homemade (from scratch) brownies and pumpkin/cranberry bars for my company halloween party yesterday. Everyone loved them and thanked him. I love him and thank him :)

7. Going to Cincinnati for a quick trip next week. I have some personal business to attend to, quick in and quick out!

8. Had a disturbing dream that I was a waitress again; my first day I had an entire restaurant full of tables to wait on - it was CRAZY!! Ever since I had the dream, Tamara has had too many tables at work and been busier than she normally is. Eeek!

9. We're hiring a program manager at work. That will totally help out! I will be more than happy to hand off the work!

10. My family is doing great! Jake and Michelle had their first anniversary; Beka and Jack are figuring things out and it seems to be working; Tamara is still happier than ever and Roland and I are getting closer to our wedding!!! (sorry, still no date)

11. how crazy is this??? In one week, I got 2 letters from different companies telling me that my identity was compromised by their lack of ability to protect it. What is up with that? I'm starting a company that will consult to companies to teach them not to put personal information of their customers/clients/etc. on some fools laptop who leaves it in their car in plain site at the frickin' mall. Good thing I'm on top of my stuff and have already planned ahead. Geez!

that's it for now, gotta eat this fantastic dinner that has been so lovingly prepared for me!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Neighbors

We live in a townhome, pretty nice, 3 bedrooms, 1500 sq ft, 2 car garage. You know that we got robbed when we first moved in. So that has made the experience less than perfect, regardless I have still liked the place. There's a pool for our small community, lots of beautiful landscaping, fruit trees, nice place to walk around with the dog.

The downside is the mass number of townhomes in such a small area. I think there's somewhere between 80-100 townhomes, each of them on a tenth of an acre or less, right on top of each other. Some are 2 bedroom, 1 car garage with a carport; some are 3 bedroom, 2 car garage. Because there are so many homes in such close proximity, there are tons of people living close.

From my patio or bedroom window I can hear lots of interesting, disgusting, and entertaining noises:

1. one neighbor goes out each morning and reads his newspaper, drinks his coffee and smokes his cigarettes on his patio. He's surrounded by a pomegranite tree, ficus, bogenvalia, and other plants. The humingbirds hang out on his patio. It's very nice.

2. there's a marine couple that lives in my adjoining townhome. A woman used to live there by herself - but she had to move to Colorado with her job and decided to rent it out. I've met the marine but not his wife. He's really a nice guy. They have 2 children, I've really only seen their daughter. She's about 3 yrs old. They have a dog and a cat. For the most part they are quiet, except he goes outside to smoke and when we're in bed and he opens the sliding glass door, it sounds like our door and I freak out. I can't tell you how many times I get up and just double check that it's not our house - because of the break-in. They've had a wild party once, the police came and they were all very drunk, talking loud and having fun. I wouldn't care except I couldn't sleep. If this was when I was living in Cincinnati, I could close my window and sleep because I'd be far enough away.

3. Next to me across a small walkway with bushes dividing the walkways, is another marine and his wife. I don't think they have kids. They do have a squaky bird of some kind, a cat and a big dog. The dog barks at us when we are coming in and out of our house. Sometimes the dog gets going and then Snicker reacts to him. I've never really talked to them; but I did overhear them saying stuff about us and our dog. Some stupid shit, really. But like our other neighbors they have had some wild, loud parties. So many that the police have been there multiple times. Last party I was concerned that these marines were talking loud and one of them was really pissed off. His buds were telling him to "put it away". I was worried that "IT" was a GUN. I mean, you never know, right??

4. There's some really nice people that live here that I've talked to - a guy named Otis, he has a pitbull that is a really nice dog. He lives up the street and we chat from time to time. There's another woman that has great yard sales, she's really nice. Then a couple doors up the street is an elderly lady, her daughter and granddaughter live with her. She's really nice, a little nosy, but that's ok, I feel like at she is looking out for all the rest of us!

5. One thing that I realized since I lived here is that HILLBILLIES live in California!! Honestly, I was very surprised. I mean, I'm from Cincinnati. It's right on the Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio borders. And when I say there are hillbillies here, I know what I'm talking about. I've seen enough of them. These people are loud, obnoxious, the dog is always running around, their front door is never closed, they have trash in their yard, their patio is full of crap - severe overflow of garbage from the inside of the house. They have a tons of kids that live in that house and the are always whining and crying. The youngest son is cute, but whines all the time. The next son is always in trouble - expelled from school for the entire 1st quarter. And the woman is crazy!!

6. I'm saving the best for last! directly behind me, there is a lady that I have to assume is a heavy smoker or was one most of her life. She lives with her daughter, some animals. I walk behind her house with the dog, she loves Padres baseball. In fact, it kind of reminds me of my own mother. I've never seen the woman, but boy do I hear her. She hacks, chokes, coughs, and makes some other throaty clearing sounds - like a life long smoker. I can hear her no matter where I am in the house or outside. But the worst time is at night when I lay down to sleep. OH MY GOD! It's so disgusting that it just about makes me throw up! Makes me sick to my stomach.

Lots of dogs barking, cats crapping in my backyard, birds squaking, kids running, grown-ups talking, phones dialing (yep, I can hear the tones of the keypad on someone's phone), cars running, bikes and skateboards flying up and down the driveway. I didn't think that living this close would bother me, but it really does.

Fortunately, we have plans to move back to Ohio at some point. Sooner than later, I hope. We will live on .5+ acres, lots of trees, a pool, hot tub, deck, nice big house, driveway, grass to cut, flowers to plant, snow to shovel, and I will love every bit of it! California is beautiful, don't get me wrong - I am sooooooooo glad that I had the opportunity to live here. I have enjoyed seeing it in person, being around the ocean and mountains every day. It's really nice. If I was 20 and just starting out, I would probably love it so much that I would never leave. But I'm not, I don't like crime, I don't like being on top of people all the time, I don't like the illegals that are on every corner.

My biggest question is about my dog...he already freezes when it gets in the 50's! Can you imagine what he's going to do with snow and rain and ice!!??!! hehe!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

San Diego Fires

This has been the CRAZIEST week EVER! I just can't describe the feeling of waking up on a Monday morning, getting ready for work, only to find out that you have to stay home, pack up your important papers, pictures and some clothes, so you can high tail out of the neighborhood and head to an evacuation center. One thing that I learned pretty quickly was not to panic, but to systematically gather our belongings and prepare to leave.

The biggest thing was all the time that was spent glued to the news coverage. Hoping like hell, TRUSTING the media! YIKES! That was very difficult. Meanwhile, in the middle of the fire, he had to go to dialysis on Monday and Wednesday. It was very freaky. I sat here, all packed, ready to go, planned to meet him at dialysis and then head to an evac center. Even the dog knew something was up and when he saw me pack up his food and blankets, he was ready to book out the door!

I was nervous, talked to some friends online, watched the media coverage, tried to stay on top of the areas where the fires were burning. At one point, the fire came within a few miles from our house and the mandatory evacuation center was within a mile. FREAKY!!

Then at one point on Tuesday, President Bush declared Southern California a "Natural Disaster Area". I sat here, still packed and waiting to see where the fire was coming in from and it sunk into me that I was living in a natural disaster area. Good God! That was something that I have NEVER experienced. Even during tornadoes and floods couldn't compare with fire. All I could think was all the fire lessons I got from my uncle, who was a fireman. I just kept trusting that the fire departments were working hard and keeping us safe.

By Tuesday afternoon, we had to get out of the house and just see what was going on beyond our front yard. So we drove to the Oceanside Harbor, walked around and saw people trying to be "normal". Those folks trying to be normal made me feel better. I felt like things would return soon to the "normal" state. I'd return to work, I'd pay bills, I'd continue to live my life, love my family and be normal! Ah, the idea of being normal, running errands, sitting in traffic, waiting for the train, going to the dry cleaners, mailing letters, cooking dinner.

I thought that it was alot like during 9/11. Disaster struck. People didn't know what to think. Watch lots of TV, depending on the media to get you through. That's exactly how I felt.

I thank God that none of my friends lost their homes, none were hurt, many were displaced, but got to return. The concern from my friends, the love that was outpouring is amazing.

And then, let's talk about how amazing the folks in San Diego were to each other. 10's of 1000's of people in evacuation centers, 10's of 1000's of people bringing food, blankets, pillows, toiletries, water, paper products, and everything that people needed. There were so many donations that the evac centers had to ask people to NOT bring donations! When have you ever heard of something like that? The outpouring was very touching. I was crying over the kindness of people. We didn't wait for the Federal Govt to step in a "save" us. We just saved ourselves. To me, that's the best part of living here in San Diego.

A couple of funny shelter stories:
1. one of the shelters by the coast had lots of elderly folks in it. A couple of the Chargers paid for everything for this shelter including a Chef who came in and cooked a gourmet breakfast and had Starbucks come in and serve coffee!
2. another shelter had lots of elderly folks in it and many of them had dogs. They put out a request for people to come down and walk their dogs and play with them so they could sleep for a while!!
3. volunteer Dr's and nurses poured out into the shelters to the extent that some were turned away because there was no more need.
4. teachers were volunteering to go to Qualcomm Stadium to help with everyone's kids - give them something to do, help fight boredom!!

After hearing all the positive stories about the shelters, I totally expected to hear that someone would be giving away massages or spa treatments!! And now they are trying to decide if the Chargers can play on Sunday or Monday. Let me tell you, if we are able to play an NFL game a week after the fires started there's nothing we can't do!! GO SAN DIEGO!!

The latest statistics that I am aware of:
over 375,000 acres burned
over 350,ooo families evacuated
the largest fire in San Diego County AND the State of California
1800 homes burned down so far
about 7 deaths, 19 injuries
bad air quality all week and into next week

God bless those affected by the fires! "EVERYONE"

Monday, October 22, 2007



More on the San Diego Fires

Disaster Area! Smokey, bad air to breath. Some areas no electric. Some with no natural gas. Animals trapped, houses destroyed, highways closed, schools closed, evacuations to schools, churches, community centers; fires consuming neighborhoods, big beautiful houses with gorgeous views, expensive. Trees, bushes, grass, everything is dry. Easy to catch on fire. So Sad!

Now Solano Beach has to be evacuated and that goes all the way to the coast! Imagine that! The coast!! No one thought it would ever go that far.

Looters are out, police are arresting people, it's CRAZY!

My neighborhood is safe so far. But I'm ready to leave if told to go. Some areas were only given a 2 minute warning to leave. The only thing I have to do is throw the dog food into the bag, grab our laundry basket from upstairs and pull the car out, grabbing a couple more boxes of pictures.

I pray, I pray. Please pray

San Diego County Fires

Hello everyone. It's a crazy day. San Diego County - 7 FIRES RIGHT NOW!! Over 250,000 people evacuated, houses burned down, large animals evacuated to 2 locations in the county, roads closed, fires burning. It's so sad. I hope they can get this under control, but as of this writing is 0% UNDER CONTROL.

The closest fire to my house is about 7 miles away. So, hopefully it will get contained and we'll be ok.

The Santa Ana winds will be kicking up for the next 3 days. It's going to be a long week and we might make it staying here today, but we could easily be evacuated any day this week. They are predicting that this fire will burn all the way to the ocean. We live about 7 miles east of the ocean, and it could easily zip past us. Phew!

It's a state of emergency, strong winds too much for the air fighters. It's so dry, low low low humidity. The whole place is a tinderbox - no rain in years, one spark will set off a fire easily. The county is smokey, firey, and scary. Phone calls for emergencies only. Wow, I've never experienced anything like this before.

This is the largest fire ever in this area. TV, radio, internet all good resources for help. I pray for all people in this area, for their safety.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have been so overwhelmed at work and believe I am caught up - or at least for the most part. I got good news this week, they have an open req to hire another Program Manager, so I will have some help with my accounts. It's a good thing because I was not affective being overworked. So today, I came home from work early, am working on the some process diagrams and hope to be ok at work tomorrow.

What do you do when you are behind or overwhelmed? How do you dig yourself out of the hole? I have a tough time once I get behind. Especially if the work is very detailed and requires a great deal of my time when 8 other clients are waiting in line and their work is piling up.

Happy day today! It's nice to feel good about your job.

Autumn in So Cal

It's beautiful weather - oh's southern's MOST always beautiful weather. But right now, it's perfect to me! Nice cool nights, warm sunny days. You just can't beat it. It stays this way for mostly 8 or 9 months a year. The other 3 to 4 months are either really hot or cooler and raining.

It's a good place to be and enjoy the outdoors.

Monday, October 08, 2007

So busy at work

Have you ever been so busy at work that you just can't get caught up? Well, that's where I am right now. No matter how hard and how much I do, I just can't recover from my vacation a few weeks ago. It's very frustrating because I had it under control before I left.

I could use some advice from you if you have organized your emails in such a way that you were able to get through all of them after a holiday. I have read and read them and still to no avail. I think the only choice I have is to delete them and start over - HAHA!! JUST KIDDING! Seriously, I could use some pointers from other project managers or managers that have over 500 unread emails!! What do you do to help ease the burden?

My other issue is that most of the emails require some sort of response or action on my part....eecckkkkk! THE LIFE OF A PROJECT MANAGER is not always the easiest life!

"Knowing others is intelligence,
knowing yourself is true wisdom."
-- Lao Tzu

Sunday, October 07, 2007

New Music On My Blog

Good morning!! I had some fun last night finding a new music player for my blog and for myspace. Check it out! It's a great addition and helps my blog be more of a destination - which will help me write in it more often :)

I hope you enjoy the tunes!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Our Dream

It's great to be in a loving relationship where we share the same dream. The Toltecs describe the Dream as our own reality. We make it what we want - sometimes it's a bad life full of misery and other times it's a wonderful life full of love and happiness. Since LOVE and HAPPINESS come from our hearts, we are responsible for which way our dream is going - good or bad.

Our dream comes with the dream to move back to Ohio, now that he's retired. Since we are both from there, we find it to be just as beautiful as people find California. I have to say, after living here for 2 years, my observations and viewpoints are still from an outsider point of view. I see people working 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for a stucco house and a "designer" car. It is definitely the land of "who can out do their neighbors". Which house has the best landscaping, the best car, the most stuff........Geez! Get a life! Not our dream!

click here to see more from the same photographer!

There was a song, when I was a teenager, by the Monkees (ok, don't laugh) called Pleasant Valley Sunday. They talked about all the track houses that look the same (just like in the pic), people washing their cars, cutting their grass - yes, believe it or not people in California USED TO cut their own grass!!!

I like where we live - compared to other places in No San Diego County. But look how close everyone lives - I can lie in bed at night and hear people coughing and one neighbor who has a smokers cough I hear her gagging all night long, I hear people dial their cordless phones - you know the "beep beep beep" of numbers? Yea, I can hear that. I hear the young mother next door yelling at her kids all day long while her marine husband is on base. No wonder they are sooo happy when dad gets home! I hear kids telling their parents good night. I mean it's ridiculous. It's never 100% quiet and it's never 100% dark here.

But we have our dream - our dream to live in Cincinnati again, to return to the place where our family and friends live. And it can't be soon enough for me. Don't get me wrong, it's been great living here, I love the ocean, the mountains, the weather - but the truth is friends are few and far between, I spend at least 12 hrs /day commuting and working. I wake up at 5am and have to go to bed around 9:30 or 10. It seems all I do is work, so we can just live.

And now that he's retired, he helps me so much. I don't have to do the grocery shopping or laundry or even clean the house. He does it so I can come home and spend time with him, and on the weekends, we can just do what we want to. That is soooooooooooooo nice! He even cooks dinner most nights. He and I are living our dream. It's great.

Our dream includes that hope to move back to the land of our roots. Here's an example of a dream house for us. Big yard, pool, hot tub, lots of green, privacy, no coughing neighbors right outside! I hope it happens soon!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

looking at wedding rings

Could it possibly be that close that it's time to ring shop? I hope so, it's been a long time waiting to get married. We've been waiting for over 2 years now, in fact, I left Cincinnati 2 years ago this weekend to come out to California to get married.

I guess it's worth the wait. We are very deeply in love with each other. We have enough love to see us through because we are happy, we trust each other, we are responsible for ourselves, we complete each other. I like that. He truly is the right person for me. Even on the days that I am not my best and my behavior is not the best - he still loves me - and vice versa.

Our dreams are compatible. Our dreams are the same. We might see things differently on the surface, but deep down we have the same values, morals, ethics, love, and goals. It's great to be with him. It's great to share with him. I love my life, I love my future husband!

Friday, September 28, 2007


I commute to work every day. You know I ride the train. It's a good way to get to work. But today i was thinking about something - it's kind of strange or weird.

I go the train station, stand around with tons of other people that you don't know. Then you get on the train with all these strangers and sit next to people that smell , you can hear their ipod playing, they are talking on the phone or to others on the train, reading books or working on the computer. But the point is you are riding with strangers.

Then when our train arrives at the station, a shuttle picks us to - and our shuttle gets quite packed depending on the time it arrives. I catch the early train and even that shuttle is full every morning. And the riders are just a subset of the train crowd of strangers.

Nothing out of the ordinary ever happens, we ride down the coast, I see the ocean, it takes 25 minutes with a few stops, I see cars, mountains, sunrise and sunset. It's a long day and I spend it with strangers. What's wrong with that picture???

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Live, Laugh, and Love

I try to stay positive. I think it's important to try my hardest, do my best and always try to improve myself. No matter what has happened to me in my life, I've tried to remain positive. And I've had alot of shit happen over the problems, relationship problems, parent/kid problems, job problems, drama, chaos and hassles. But through it all, I have tried to remember the God is with me, He alone carries me through every situation. He doesn't give me more that I can handle. And He blesses me beyond my wildest dreams.

I mean, look at the last few years. I made a list of all the attributes I wished for in a man. I prayed and asked God to help me find this man, to put him in my life so I could have a partner, someone to face every day life with, someone to grow old with, someone that wouldn't be in it for just himself. And what happens, a few months laterI get a phone call that changes my life.

I've spent the last two years living in California with him, waiting for the 'right time' to tie the knot. It's been wonderful, not necessarily perfect, but it wasn't supposed to be perfect. NOTHING is perfect, only God. But wonderful - it's definitely been wonderful. He spoils me, I try to spoil him back. We are partners, we face everything together, we love each other our whole lives, have known each other our whole lives. It's just been the greatest 2 years with him. It's fantastic!

We laugh, love, cry, care and LIVE for each other, for our happiness. It's great! It's what I always wanted. Thanks Honey!! You are the BEST! And our relationship is an answer to my prayers and a dream come true.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lessons Learned

Life sends lots of lessons our way. Ideally, we learn from those lessons so we don't have to keep repeating the past. Life's lessons come in all sizes, all degrees. If we learn from these lessons and grow in wisdom, we can mentor and share support with those going through the same lesson. There is no substitute for experience!

'Don't talk to strangers' 'Lock the doors' 'Put on your seat belt' 'Do unto others...' 'Love like there's no tomorrow' 'Get gas before you run out' (hehe!) 'Don't stop at the Bates Hotel' (ok now I'm being silly) 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' 'Follow your instincts about men' 'If you think they are bad, they probably are' 'Don't spoil the kids, dogs' 'You are what you eat' (OY!) and so on!

Those are the little ones, but are important.

Then there are bigger ones - like trusting strangers, watching out who are your friends, watch the circle you keep. Those can start innocent and you think you're having fun, but before you know it you are into drugs and/or something that you can't easily escape. These days people like that don't let you just "leave"; it's hard and you can find yourself trapped or hurt or worse.

It's unfortunate that the world isn't a wholesome, trusting place as it once was. I grew up in a time when innocence was passing and the result is this world today. It's not all bad, don't get me wrong, but it has changed alot since my parents lifetime. There seems to be more crimes, more child abuse, more child predators, more murders, more drugs, more government in our lives, more fear, more caution, more more more.

You can't let your children go play alone, ride bikes all day, run around i nthe woods (well, there's no woods in SoCali), but you get the drift. We used to get up in the morning, walk to school, cut through the woods to get to school, hang out with our friends, play until dark and I don't think my mom knew exactly where I was - she had an idea. Today, you have to know where your kids are, who they are with, you have to drive them everywhere, you can't let them just go out and play. It's terrible.

I want to go back to a simpler time. Live where there's lots of trees, farms, peace, quiet, families and friends. Hope to be going back to Ohio soon..............lesson learned: California is a GREAT place to visit, but Ohio is a WONDERFUL place to live.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thursday morning....back to the grind :)

Even though I don't consider my job a "grind" like some people do, I'm still heading to work on the train and wishing I was still in Cincinnati. I miss my kids, friends, family. They really want us to move back and after being there, it would be the smart thing to do. We don't have any support system here - and with Roland's health issues we will need it.

If something happens to him, I'm the only driver in the house now, so it will be all on me. If we were living in Cincinnati it would be totally different. His family, my family, the kids, our friends - we could all drive him if he needed it. Plus, there is a good transportation system for medical support in the area.

It would be an adjustment of sorts: we would end up paying LESS for gas, housing, utilities, food, clothing, taxes - well GEE - WE WOULD PAY LESS FOR EVERYTHING!! What the heck! Our family and friends are watching out for good pieces of property for us to consider buying and as far as everyone is concerned - we are moving back to Cincinnati.

I would have a job either way - would prefer to keep my current job because I really do love it. Don't know how they would feel about it, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
The vacation was great, the time off was needed, the trip was absolutely divine! Funny, we live in 'vacationland' and prefer to go back to the midwest for vacation - my co-workers think I'm nuts! And they are probably right, but not for this reason!

I'm on the train - it actually rained today so I didn't want to drive my car - the traffic is at a standstill anyway but even worse when it rains. These people would be lost if they had to drive
in the snow :) I hope when they go to Big Bear to ski, that I'm not on the roads. I do love the train, I love that I can type/read/listen to music and ride to work. It's so worth it! I was going to try to get there at 7:30 this morning, but I just couldn't make myself get up in time. I guess I am having a tough time getting off of vacation. :)

Thanks for everyone that I got to see for making my trip so much fun and for those that I didn't get to see or talk to, when we move back I'll be sure to see you! Wish me luck making the decisions, getting my company on board and making another cross country move. (THE LAST ONE I HOPE!!)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

healthy living

My son and his wife were just here showing me some of the health products they sell with their business. I think it's great because they are really into it, they like the products and gave me samples. Has anyone ever heard of Quixtar? They have "exclusive" products that are making eating and staying healthy simple. If it's simple will we do it?

I already try, but sometimes the cravings take over. If there are healthful alternatives maybe the cravings can be controlled. I'm going to try...........I've been on vacation and so far it's been an EAT-FEST!! Good thing there wasn't Oktoberfest while we were in town - we ate enough Cincinnati food - Skyline, Frisch's, White Castle (yes, against my will I had a cheeseburger), Riley's, IHOP (and it was horrid), Cazadore's, Dancing Wasabe (absolutely wonderful), and my favorite the cookout at my friend's with all the home cooking.

We have one more day here in town, then when we get up Wed. morning, we're heading back to San Diego. One of these days, it will be the opposite way...we'll be leaving San Diego and heading back home.

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." - Amelia Earhart

Sunday, September 16, 2007


We are having so much fun on vacation! We're visiting our family and friends and it's fantastic!! We've eaten so much food it's ridiculous!! I wanted Skyline - he wanted Frisch's - I wanted wings (getting that today) - he wanted White Castle (eeeeccckkk!) - we had a cookout at my best friend's house last night, big bonfire, great time - great food, friends, family and laughter. IT WAS GREAT TO SEE MY FRIENDS!! We all had a wonderful time.

One thing about Cincinnati, we have everything that California has (except the beaches and mountains) but as for stores, restaurants, events, football, baseball - there's always a festival, somewhere to go and something to do.

Yesterday, we drove around in our rented red, convertible mustang - we went all over the place, started out in Springdale, hit Winton Woods, NCH, Hartwell, Reading, Amberley, Deer Park, Kenwood, Madiera, Indian Hill, Loveland, Maineville, Landen, Mason, Goshen Township, and ended in Milford. It was so much fun - so many trees, so much green, big beautiful houses, giant yards, perfect weather. I just can't tell you how wonderful it is here.

Don't get me wrong, So Cali is amazing - but it's crowded and expensive. Here it's friendly, open, affordable and wonderful. :) Can you tell I miss it??? hehe

Oh well, we're off to church, going to the Vineyard - totally great church - and then off to watch the Bengals. So, I have to go get ready, more later!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It's been a strange day. I was very busy with one of my most important clients - we had meetings all day. In the midst of all of it, I kept thinking about the anniversary of 9/11, the worst terrorist attack EVER on our wonderful nation's soil. I realized that on that fateful day I was in meetings discussing a client project. I'll never forget how shocked I was. I think of all that has happened in the world since then and it makes me sad.

I don't feel any safer.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Who-Dey?? Go Bengals


I was soooooooo happy tonight. Not only is it the first week of NFL Football, my team -- the Bengals -- had opening night of their 40th season on Monday Night Football!! Wow! and they WON!! I don't get to see all the games like I used to. Living on the west coast I get all the w. coast teams. But not tonight!! Go Bengals

And Chad Johnson is just a delightful now as he always has been. Loved the H.O.F. coat Chad, can't wait to see what you come up with every week!!
"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Vacation count down

Got the airfare - got the hotel - got the rental car - got the luggage - decided on a kennel - READY TO GO!!

Heading to Cincinnati on Thursday, have some very busy days at work coming but then, no matter what - I'm on vacation - I get to see my kids, my friends, my family and my city!!! You know, it's great being here in So Cali. I love the ocean, the breeze, the mountains, the weather, but I miss my home town - Cincinnati!! I miss the Reds, the Bengals, Riverfront, Newport on the Levee, great restaurants, good business, strong economy. I just love it all!!

So, I get to be there for a whole week!! Party next Saturday - cookout, bonfire, friends, food, drinks! Yeah!! Bengals vs Browns on Sunday..........Cazedores, sushi/wine!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thank God, it's cooler

Man, did I ever think I would spend my time blogging about the weather once I moved to SoCal??? NO I DID NOT!! But here I am.........thankfully, it's in the mid-70's with a nice cool breeze and I actually think I'll be able to sleep all night with only a fan. What a BIG improvement over the last couple of weeks.

Look where I get to go next week......... I can't wait. My hometown - Cincinnati, OH! I will only be there for 5 days, but I get to see my son, Jake and his wife, Michelle. Beka, who only left last week, and her boyfriend, Jack. My cousins, Roland's sister and her husband, my family, his family, my friends and Cincinnati! I miss the city. It's where I've lived all my life and I am so familiar with it's windy roads, colored leaves falling, and restaurants that abound.

We get to go to Skyline, get sushi and drink lots of wine with my friends, have a cookout with my family. I just can't wait to get away, go back home and just be in Cincinnati. We are also going to look at some houses in the city - JUST IN CASE! I want to see what's available, how much house for the money. We would love a pool, hot tub, deck, basement, 2-3 car garage and a good location, out in the country with 1/2 to 1 acre of land. And next door neighbors that are not close enough to hear them cough!! Oh California! how wonderful it is to hear my neighbors sneeze!!

Well, at least I don't think we'll have rolling black outs since the weather is better. And I won't be such a bitch since I'll actually get a full night's sleep :)

Monday, September 03, 2007

It's incredibly HOT!! 97 degrees

I can't believe how hot it is. So Cali and it's HOT HOT HOT!!! We don't have air conditioning, who thought of that???? Why would they build a house without A/C? Geez, it's been so hot that I haven't had a good night's sleep in nearly 3 weeks.

I've had a fun weekend, can't do much because it's been too hot. Took Snicker to the dog park and this morning at 8 am, it was already 90 degrees! Whoa! But he's been going there every day first thing in the morning this weekend. It's been fun. He's played with all the dogs.

Some things we did this weekend to try to keep cool - went to the pool, swam and just hung out, kept in front of the fan while we've been home, took cold showers and went to the movie on Sat just to get in the A/C. It's just totally MISERABLE!!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Friday, August 17, 2007


It's been FOREVER!! I keep thinking of writing but I've been too busy with work and commuting and my family.

But today, I'm working from home.....well, Panera Bread - Free WiFi and A/C. My house doesn't have A/C and it's like hotter than hell today, so I came here. I don't have to commute because I'm only a few miles from my house - so I have a few minutes to say HI TO EVERYONE!!

I haven't had time to read what's going on with any of you, but I will start coming to these free hot spots and take a few minutes to myself before I get back to my SUPER BUSY routine.

What's new?

I like my new job alot. It's taken quite a bit of work to really get in the groove, learn the products, my customers and all the systems. But I'm getting it just fine, so I'm really into it now.

My personal life is great, things are moving along quite nicely.

Roland's disability retirement for his kidney disease has finally been approved - so he's been off work for about 3 or 4 weeks now. He is LOVING IT!! I love it too - he's really helping me alot - he has been doing the laundry, the grocery shopping, cleaning the house and some of the cooking. Geez, I've got it "MAID"!! hehe

Beka is moving back to Cincinnati in 10 days. I sure am gonna miss her. She is in love and well, we know what love does to our sense and sensibility!! it's all gone :) But she'll be fine, I'm sure of it. she is a strong young woman, doesn't take any crap, is self-sufficient and ready to be on her own this time. So, it's time for Mom to let her go - white knuckled and all!!

Tamara is doing good, making good money on her job, heading back to Cincy for a VISIT to see her son - it's his birthday this week - he's 15 years old! Amazing! I can't believe it.

We're going to visit Cincinnati in Sept. I can't wait, see my son, my daughter in law, see my daughter who will only be there a few weeks, see my friends, family and take in the sites. Wow, it's gonna be Roland and my first trip back in 2 years. I REALLY CAN'T WAIT, I MISS EVERYONE THERE SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!

Well, I wish everyone good health. I've gotta run, will try to write more often. I do have so much to say, lots of commentary, lots of politics going on, I just don't take the time. Prioritize !!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Holiday recap

I hope everyone had a fun day yesterday, celebrating our country's 231st birthday. My daughters were 2 of 600,000 people that went to beaches in San Diego County yesterday!! I loved it because there was NO traffic on I-5 all day long - thanks!

I made homemade fish & chips, drove my girls to and from the beach, took my dog on a long walk in Oceanside where it was nice and breezy. It was a good day.

Today is back to work, so I gotta run! Work is calling :) Have a great day!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy July 4th

Happy Independence Day! I hope you take the time to enjoy the REAL reason for the day - our independence from the Mother Country. Our independence from taxation without representation. Our independence from an "uber government" vs. government by the people, for the people.

I know we have issues in this country and I know that we are overtaxed, overburdened, over-governmentalized (not sure if that's really a word). But I do know with all our imperfections it's still the BEST PLACE ON THE PLANET TO LIVE. We have natural resources, plenty of food, water, money, businesses, opportunities, education, freedom to support, complain, protest, make a change. Yep, it's the best place. And that's why so many in the world hate us.

But on this Independence Day 2007 we must remember that over 200 years ago, we left the tyranny of the Mother Country, formed our own government, tried to improve our way of life and generation after generation we want more for our families, more of a legacy, more peace, more happiness, more of everything.

God Bless America, the people in it, the politicians that are making decisions, the soldiers who risk their lives to protect our freedom, the military families that sacrifice their loved ones for our safety, our neighbors and co-workers, family and friends. God Bless our way of life, our freedoms. God, please protect our cities from terrorists, from those who hate us. God, help those that are addicted to drugs and alcohol, giving them a new hope to be clean and upstanding members of society. God bless the mothers and children, husbands and fathers, brothers and sisters. Protect and keep us and our lovely land.

God guide us to do the right thing, to love our country, to protect our way of life. God protect those that have been wrongly accused and provide a "back door" for them to be given their freedom.

Thank you God for all of Your wonderful blessings on this Independence Day.

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is one California destinations that we haven't been to yet. Living out here has afforded us many long weekend trips filled with days and days of magnificent vistas in perfect weather to enjoy them. We have paid for a 3 day 2 night all inclusive for $99 that we were suppoesd to schedule for October in Lake Tahoe. I was really looking forward to it. '

Now, I'm not sure what it will be like, if we will get to go to Tahoe. They have other resorts in the area so perhaps I will ask them to change the venue. I kind of like this one: San Luis Bay at Avila Beach. Just the idea of being on the ocean for 3 days without any interruptions is heavenly. Aaahhh Heavenly Thoughts :)

There's one that in Mexico, I can't recall the name or where, my daughter knows. But that would be a good alternative as well. I might as well see and do as much as I can afford while I'm here. Just never know when I will have to go back to Ohio and back to my old life. It might happen you know. We would definitely entertain the thought once his retirement is here. Depending on the kidney transplant.

Back to Lake Tahoe, so sorry to hear about the people who live there and are depending on the July 4th tourists to bring in a chunk of change for them. I know it would suck to have a shop and no tourists during the busiest time of the year for them. Maybe we'll see you in the fall.

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tempur Pedic!! Bought one!

Went to San Diego Fair last weekend, it's really a blast. check it out!!

So while we were there, we bought some little stuff - new shower head, some sticky roller set to roll up dog hair, chammis, AND A NEW TEMPUR PEDIC QUEEN SIZE BED. I still can't believe we bought it. I've never gone to a fair and spent that much money before. They are delivering it on Thursday.....aahhh! Thursday night will be a good night of sleep!

Took Snicker to the dog park in Escondido today, he played with a maltese, couple yorkies, some dachshunds, pit bull, chihuahuas, a pug, rottweiler, greyhounds, and some HUGE dog- parinees or something. It was a fun day.
"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

working with off-shore teams

Globalization - The Encyclopedia Britannica says that globalization is the "process by which the experience of everyday life ... is becoming standardized around the world." While some scholars and observers of globalization stress convergence of patterns of production and consumption and a resulting homogenization of culture, others stress that globalization has the potential to take many diverse forms.

I say it's the process of working with teams around the globe and completing a project in a timely fashion without missing the deliverables. I want to successfully deliver my project on time and on (or under) budget!! It's the cool part of proj mgmt, every PM wants to deliver on time and until budget. :)

Heading to Plano TX in July to visit my clients. I have 6 "sets" of customers to visit. Some will bring an entire group and others will only bring themselves. Either way, I'm looking forward to meeting them. Plano TX - hot in the summer!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Lawson Financial software

Are you a Business Analyst? Know one??? Looking for a gig??

How about Lawson Financial Software? Know it?? Ever used it?? Worked on a roll out?? Experienced enough combine what you know with your BA experience??

I know someone looking for a BA with Lawson experience, if that's you, contact me. I'll get you hooked up!!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What do I want to be when I grow up??

Here I am again, wishing I had time to write daily. Trying to get through every day and have enough time to feel like I have an evening for myself. It's crazy

  • 5 am - get up close to that time daily
  • 6:30 am - leave for the train station
  • 6:40 am - catch the train
  • 7:30 am - arrive at my office
  • 4:50 pm - catch the shuttle
  • 6:00 pm - get back home
  • take the dog for a walk, fix dinner, eat
  • 9:30 pm - go to bed

That's my day and I still can't get over how much time I spend getting ready for work, working and then coming home! It's amazing. I know I committed to at least write a quick note daily.

I wish my job was blogging. Wouldn't that be great? I'd love to do a politic blog, have a talk radio program and just BITCH BITCH BITCH, and let everyone call me and BITCH! It would be soooooooo much fun!

"The Future is Ahead of Schedule"

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Wednesday - over the hump!

Been a busy day, filled with events:
  1. Beka safely arrived in Cincinnati tonight, vacationing there for 3 1/2 weeks.
  2. Dealt with rush hour traffic on I-5 South this morning and North after work. Made me appreciate the train :)
  3. Took Snicker for a walk. I still can't get him to walk good everytime. I am not going to give up, keep trying, he pulls, I correct, we walk.
  4. had a Venti Coffee Light Frappicino and a piece of low-fat Blueberry Coffee cake from Starbucks for dinner!!
  5. BLOGGED!!

My work here is done, a very successful day all-in-all!! More tomorrow

"The Future is Ahead of Schedule"
--- anon

Have not been writing regularly

Several of my readers have sent me messages wondering if I have fallen off the face of the earth since I'm not writing regularly. Thankfully, I am still around! I have just been extremely busy with my new job and there's nothing really interesting going on - I just go to work, ride the train, come home (total 11 hrs or so), walk the dog, eat dinner. Nothing overly exciting! I don't have much time for too much. By the time I have dinner, I have about an 1 1/2 hrs to relax, read, catch up on housework, or whatever I might have to do. I try to just hang out at the house and do as little as possible.

Then on the weekends, I spend my Sat morning running errands: bank, farmer's market, library, grocery store, walmart and any other errands. We go to the movie every weekend as long as there's something interesting to see. Usually there is. But as you can see, my life is pretty "normal" "boring" and not too much to write about right now.

I do have some fun plans coming up, worthy of writing about :)

  1. going to a star gazing class this weekend with my telescope that I got for Christmas
  2. taking my daughter to the airport because she's travelling back to Ohio for a nice, long visit
  3. planning my own trips back to Ohio for a visit this fall
  4. planning a trip with my family to Lake Tahoe

Some of those will be fun to do and I will have pictures and something to write about. So for now, I have to go to work. Everyone take care and I will try to write a "small" blurb daily - I promise!!

"The future is upon us."
--- anon

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Walking Snicker

This morning was the first time in 2 1/2 weeks of working that I felt guilty leaving the house. The morning went better than I had expected. I got ready for work in record time, had my lunch packed, coffee poured and the game plan was to take the dog for a walk before work- at least 30 minutes if I could squeeze it in. I tried, I think we got 20 or 25 minutes in - I walked him to the library and let him run in his favorite spots - the ground cover that he LEAPS through. I have to admit, I LOVE watching him leap through it! But it was a stressful walk - he was pulling, I was stressed, had to keep watching the time. I don't think it accomplished what I wanted. I kept reminding myself - CALM ASSERTIVE - but it wasn't working, it was more like STRESSED ASSERTIVE - not a good energy to share with the dog.

So, when we got back to the house, I had everything ready to go. My lunch was packed, the dog's food was ready, his treats were already outside and all I had to do was take him out. He didn't want to go out, he just got in and wanted to stay in. When I leave in the morning, I leave him in the backyard. The girls let him in when they get up. And then when they leave, they put him back out. He doesn't behave well in the house just yet and I am learning it's because he has too much energy. I've been reading and watching Cesar Millan's books and TV show, The Dog Whisperer. Everything comes down to some basic rules: EXERCISE, DISCIPLINE AND THEN AFFECTION and communication is based on NOSE, EYES AND THEN EARS. So our words mean NOTHING but our actions mean EVERYTHING!!

Everyday I will keep trying - I will keep trying to be the pack leader - 24x7 - CALM ASSERTIVE. I'm not that good at the calm part and maybe not that good at the assertive part. When I took my dog to see Leonard, he instructed me that I have to get myself in that state of mind first, then the dog will follow. So I can get this through meditation or yoga. I have never been able to meditate in my life, but I think I will have to try. OY! HELP! IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED AT MEDITATION, PLEASE WRITE TO ME! I NEED HELP WITH THIS!!
Right now, I would say he is "better in the house" than on a walk, which tells me that he still doesn't respect me or see me as the pack leader. I instill consistent discipline in my house for him and all members of my household uphold it. So, we have followed the instruction of Leonard, I have put into practice the things that I have read and seen on the TV show. And I do see a difference in my dog. We both have a way to go, but that's what today is. The here and now.

As for my guilt from this morning, I will just try to do something better for him tomorrow morning. Afterall, it was the first time that I heard him whine while I was locking the doors and bark as I walked down the driveway. If it means getting up a little earlier, so be it. It won't hurt me to get a walk in before work, it will clear my head, get my blood pumping, prepare me for a mentally challenging day on my new challenging job. Besides, today was the first time I walked him in the morning and plan to walk him after work just like every other day. Maybe tonight I'll take him an extra long walk - as long as my foot can stand it! It will help him sleep better and me too!!

As an additional note - I came home from work and took him for a walk - he was HAPPY!! He ran and played while we were walking. So all's well that ends well. Besides, my honey ended up coming home early today because he was not feeling well. So it really ended well today.
"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day...always remember the soldiers

Today is just one holiday set aside to honor our veterans. In my own family my Grandfather served in the Spanish American War in the later 1800's. My father served in the Army Air Corps (which later became the Air Force) and then the Air Force; he fought in both WWII and Korea. My Mother was even a volunteer nurse's aid while she was married to my Father and traveling with him. He later retired from the service in the 60's. I honor their memories not just because they are my family, but because they were patriotic and taught me to honor my country.

Today I remember, honor and appreciate all those who served my country to preserve our right of freedom. I appreciate that we have the right to speak freely, to have opposing opinions, to vote our hearts in the polls and to support our government in local ways. It's a wonderful country and for those of you that have never gone to another country - please do - then you can understand how fortunate we are to live in America.

All past, present and future soldiers, I SALUTE YOU!!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Friday, May 25, 2007

Finished My 2nd Week!

Today I finished up my second week on the job. One thing I realized today was how much I still don't know!! There's so much that I don't know that I don't even know what I don't know - does that make sense? I expressed that to my manager/trainer and when I did he assured me that I am getting it and know alot more than I realize. Wow! What a day to finish off my week and head out for a nice long weekend.

Hope you have a great weekend, enjoy Memorial Day Holiday!! Grill out!! Eat Food!!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy Monday!!

Week 2 and all goes well. Tomorrow I have my first face-to-face meetings with a client, which I'm looking forward to! I rode the Coaster again today and that went well. The job is a good thing!!

This week is finale week: tonight is the season finale of two of my favorite shows - 24 and Heroes. Thank God for TIVO!! Going to watch Jack Bauer kick some ass on 24 and save Heroes for another day....:) Then who will be the next American Idol? Will it be Blake or Jordin? What do you think?

This week I'm going to enjoy my new job, enjoy the finales, and write all about it!! :)

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

My First Week at Work

Well, even though I was stressed while I was off work and didn't get to REALLY enjoy my time - there's something to say about not having to get up at 5:30am and start my day!! This week was my first week on my new job. I had to recalibrate my internal timing to wake up early.

Fortunately, day 1 I didn't have to be at work until 9am. So I got up around 6:30am. The office is at least an hour drive from home, if there is heavier traffic, then it's 1 hr 20 min. My first day, I made it just in the nick of time. The rest of the week I needed to be there at 8am because there were meetings everyday at 8, so I had to get up at 5:30am, take care of the dog and myself to get out of the door in time. After 4 days of driving in heavy traffic, crawling along, I decided to ride the Coaster. It's really great here in San Diego, I can get the coaster about 10 mi from my house, ride it to the station closest to my office in 20 minutes, then catch a shuttle to the driveway at my office!! I'm at work in 30-35 minutes and have had time to listen to my book on IPOD, relax and I loved it!!

I learned alot at work - I am working in the telecom industry for a hardware/firmware manufacturer. I have to learn the industry, the language, the hardware, the process, the supply chain and my customers!! I'm well on my way, I've had many training meetings all week. It's very interesting and I'm glad that I accepted this position. I believe I will do really well here.

The company is global and I love working with global teams. I find it to be fulfilling, fun, and interesting making friends in other parts of the world.

The fun things that I did this week - I got to shop for new clothes for work. I got some really cute clothes. Since I'm still recovering from my foot surgery, the shoe thing is the challenge. I bought 2 pair of Ugg Clogs, very cute and will work when I have to dress up. The only problem, the first time I wore them, I got blisters on toes - OUCH!! So, I had to give those a rest this week and will have to wear bandaids on my toes and wear socks when I want to wear them at work.

We went out to eat on Saturday night to celebrate my new job! That was sooooooo good! We went to Vera Cruz Fish House in San Marcos. It was fantastic! I got Blue Nose Sea Bass and all I can say is that it was so delicious that a day later I recall how delicious it was. MMMmmm! I spent alot of time walking my dog this weekend, after listening to Cesar Millan's book. Everything he does with his dogs are after they have been exercised. So, I've been walking as much as my foot will allow.

I'll try to write more often, this week was just a bear. But I have to get going - it's almost bedtime! I'm not used to going to bed so early, but I have to or I can't get up! Take care!!

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Transplant delayed for now

The kidney transplant did not happen this time. But it's ok, at least we know it's coming and could come at any moment in time. :)

God bless you! and Thanks for the prayers.

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, May 11, 2007

Kidney Transplant

Today we got the call that my soon-to-be husband could get a kidney transplant tonight. There are alot of conditions and he's just one of the folks on the list that has been notified. We won't know for another hr or two, but it could happen.

Please pray for this to happen, either today or sometime soon. He would feel soooooooo much better if this would happen for him.

More on this later and have a great weekend!
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My career continues...........YEAH!!

Good news!! I received a job offer that I accepted yesterday. It was with a company that I feel is stable, has a good product and will offer me the opportunity to learn a great deal. AND the plus is they are a hardware manufacturer. I am fascinated with manufacturing and have tried to learn as much as I can about the manufacturing process as I could over the years. But this opportunity will really get me entrenched in all the moving parts. I'M JAZZED!!

The commute is a typical San Diego commute, so I finally join the madness!! Books on TAPE!! Hit up the library this weekend to pick some up. PLUS, the hours are flexible so I will be able to work from home some, go in late, stay late, to help miss the traffic. And another part of my plan is to head to the gym early in the morning, work out, shower and get ready for work there. Lots of people do it, I can too. It will help me get back on track.

And the reason I know I can do it is because my doctor told me yesterday that I can wear whatever shoes I want, as long as they are not uncomfortable and cause my right foot any pain. So that's a BIG plus. I can hit the gym, walk the elliptical for the full time now and it's great!! Lose some weight, eat right, have an exciting and demanding job, have my wonderful fiance, great kids, and a loyal dog. Wow! It sounds perfect! (but we know it's not, but we try!!)

Glad to share the good news, if anything comes up or changes, you'll be the first to hear!!!
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Snicker Dog Training

So much has happened since I last wrote - my best friend came from Cincinnati to visit me in San Diego. We didn't have tons of plans, just to hang out, eat sushi, drink some wine and TALK!! I have not seen her since last October the weekend I went home for my son's wedding. We had time together then, but not like we planned for this weekend. Just interruptions!

BUT she is allergic to dogs - not as bad as other allergies she has - but nevertheless the dog can't jump on her, can't have much direct contact with her and certainly can't bite at her. She won't put up with it and on last Thursday afternoon, I finally decided I wasn't going to take it either! So, I took the advice from one of my readers and found Leonard Ludovico. The best part is that he is only 35 minutes north of my house and had time available Thursday late afternoon.

So.....for the sake of my sanity, my family's, my friend's, we took Snicker up to see Leonard. He instructed me on the phone that I have to give up the "positive clicker training" for now. That those commands are BS and self-serving for the dog. That he will respond to the command when he wants to in order to just get the treat or the pet or the reward. Rewards are good, but they should not be the reason the dog sits, stays, walks right, etc. etc.

We got up there and within a few minutes Snicker was on his way to becoming a better behaved dog that ended up respecting me by the time we left. I learned how to be the leader of our pack. I'm still learning and will persevere every day. After just one hour and a half lesson I learned how to control him, how to walk him, how to keep him from biting, how to keep him from jumping AND like I said...I'm still pushing forward every day and 'practicing' how to be the LEADER OF THE PACK!!

And the entire weekend was a success because of the training. He tried to jump on Sherry just a couple of times, she pushed him down, told him no and he stayed down. He has virtually quit jumping on us and has quit biting us. He still walks terrible on the leash, but I was able to take him to Fiesta Island and let him run off his leash in a place where there are no distractions. It was really fun because he kept his eyes while we were walking around. I could tell when he was getting stressed and needed more structure. The leash went back on, I kept him by my side, he settled down and I was pleased.

Leonard gave me some parameters - no strangers petting him, no public dog parks, keep the leash on in the house for a while until he can be trusted to keep his eyes on me, no toys when he's alone except outside, toys in the house only when we are playing with him, and not to be emotional when training him - quit talking to the dog, use actions, not words.

All I can say is - so until I get a job, I will make lesson #1 last until I can afford lesson #2. Thanks Leonard!

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's been a while

Thanks to all of my friends at MyBlogLog who checked on me to see how my job search was going. All I can say is that "IT'S GOING". I did get an offer, but it was a little low for my experience level, so I am still looking around. I've had lots of phone "screenings", then pretty many second interviews on the phone, then 4 companies that invited me for face-to-face interviews (so far), already been to 2 of them, have one today and one tomorrow, and got an offer from one. So, I guess I'm doing pretty good. Afterall, it is a process.

The thing is it is taxing. It takes alot of energy, time and positiveness to keep on the search. I can't give up because I need a job. Everyone is asking me if I am enjoying my time off and frankly, I'm not. I'd rather be fighting traffic, complaining about long commutes (it is Southern California ya know) and going to work dealing with issues and problems, than to be home searching jobs, cleaning, cooking, laundry, aaaagghh!!

I did move into my townhome a couple of months ago and I still had a few things to unpack and setup and/or decorate. I have taken a little time to do that and even today, I'm going to start setting up my stereo. Need my music for my sun room and my upstairs. I spend most of my time in my office, so music maestro PLEASE!!

The BEST part is being able to spend time with Snicker. He is learning sooooo much. We've been going to positive training (clicker-type) and it's been really good. He can 'watch me', 'sit', 'down', 'take it', 'leave it', 'drop it' (sometimes), 'stay' (kind of), 'come' (most of the time), learning loose leash walking with sits and watch me's while walking. I have been taking him everywhere I can - he's fun to take places because he's so cute.
He is pretty good MOST of the time.....

Then it happens..........the transformation from good BOY to HOLY TERROR!!! (Remember, he was a rescue, he's about 1 yr old and has some bad habits that I'm trying to break) He BITES at us and nips us to get us to play with him, but he doesn't just want to play, he wants to play rough. He includes biting as part of the play, he jumps up on us, bites, if we stand and turn (to ignore him) then he bites our heels or the backs of our legs. I have tried everything the trainer suggested, I have tried everything I see online by the 'experts'. But nothing seems to work. We aren't giving up, but it's taxing. Could use some advice is anyone out there reading this is an expert or has overcome this with their dog. He is fixed, only about a month now, so I know that will help at some point.

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, April 27, 2007


I've had several phone interviews, had some face-to-face and hope to have a few more next week. I was hoping to take the job that I interviewed last week and the week before. But, there is a slight problem with pay that is a slightly lower than what I made already. Don't understand it, they have insight into my salary. Well, I don't want money to be the main decision-maker, but honestly, it is a good part of the decision.

I mean there's company culture, growth, opportunities, training, education, benefits, day's off, and I have found a couple places like this!!

I'm really tired now, so I will blog more tomorrow about what jobs are out there in San Diego.
God Bless!
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, April 20, 2007

The waiting game.......

tick-tock....TICK-TOCK....wait....wait....wait some more :)

I don't mind the wait, really, especially when I have other options in the wings. In fact, it's a test in patience, something that we ALL need MORE of!! PATIENCE.

In fact, I had already decided not to do anything on my job search today...which has already been blown out of the water. I've already talked to a recruiter, have another one that I need to return a call to, and am looking in my email in case there's anything in there important enough to give some of my attention.

Besides, it's COLD here today. Supposed to rain later, so I am going to take Snicker for a nice walk in a bit. I kept hoping for some sunshine, but it's not happening. Bundle up baby!! Brrr, it's probably 58 degress or even a little colder.........Alright, alright, I know that is NOT cold, but it is for me now !! OMG - How will I ever handle Cincinnati weather again???????? EEEECCCKKK! I go.

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Big Interview Today

This morning I have my 3rd and 4th interview at a company close to home. In fact, my former company's "sister" company. They are solid, self-sustaining. The folks I've already met were really great, the company has a strategy, a good product, global clients and a smart, talented team. I'm up early to start getting ready, just thought I'd say GOOD MORNING!!

I have a phone interview at 11, after I get home. This company has been trying to hire me for a year. We'll see how that goes.

More on this later - have a great day!!!
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New look for my blog

So, how do you like the NEW LOOK? I needed a change and this one is more than welcome!

My problems are so insignificant

Problems, well, I don't have too many - I'm out of a job and I guess if this continues for a long period of time, then I have problems. But for now, that's about it. I try to keep things in perspective. I am a survivor.

I was taught as a child to be responsible for my actions. As the only child in the house it was kind of obvious if I did something wrong - no one to blame it on!! So, I was careful not to do many things wrong. I also learned that there was a severity in the "wrongness". Like taking an extra cookie was overlooked, where breaking a lamp was obvious. The point being no matter what I did, I was responsible for my actions. Simple law of physics: "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".

Which brings me to the sadness at Virginia Tech. I wasn't going to blog about this, but the sadness came over me today and the reality for those families is horrific! Everyone that was there was affected in some way or another. I just hope that the families can carry on and get the help they will need to carry on without their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, and so on. This sort of tragedy is so shocking for a nation to comprehend.

You know, I have a daughter in college, but she lives at home. I know that those poor families who sent their children off to college to get an education to be prepared for a successful life are mourning and will mourn the loss of their children. I am grateful when my daughter comes home everyday. I don't think about mass murderers getting her, but I do pray that she stays safe from drunk drivers, weird men, sickos, and mass gunman. It could happen anywhere, at the restaurant, getting out of your car, in class, at work, in the library. For God's sake, we are an open society that allows free will, it's the basis of our belief system.

So for the family of the gunman, I know you must be heartbroken that your son could do something so horrid. But your loss and hurt is tainted because of how your son became - mentally ill, deranged, lost, psychotic, whatever you want to say. He became it.

But the families of the victims and injured. I pray for you. God Bless You. In Jesus' name.
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, April 16, 2007

Another day of job seeking.......

It's been one of those days. I've been on the phone, I've been searching for opportunities and filling out online applications. I spent a little over 2 hrs filling out an application for Homeland Security, Border Patrol in San Diego. I'm certainly qualified for the position I found. It would be something different for me and actually I would enjoy working for them. Perhaps I could help to implement change. It could end up being my life's work and why I was put here. Who knows?

The frustrating part is the application process. I spent all that time filling out the application and that was only one section out of seven. And I saved and saved and saved and saved, periodically. I made sure that I wouldn't lose all my hard work. I logged out and logged back in and NOTHING saved!! I can't believe it. Made me think that maybe I should Project Manage the development of a new application submission project!! Crud!!

But all in all, it's still nice to be home, even though I'm job searching. I spoke with several people today, have recruiters looking for me and even though my interview seemed to go well on Friday, I believe it's wise to continue to seek. No point in thinking I have the other job and waiting around for nothing. Besides, I have this great room in my house that I love to sit and work in.

My sun room. It's perfect. Cozy, sunny, airy, cool, private and allows me to concentrate. It smells wonderful, lots of candles, liquid potpourri, incense, anything that I can find to make it wonderful.

So still job hunting, still wondering where I'll land, what I'll be doing and how soon it will happen. But in the meantime, I know the PERFECT job will come along. Just for me. Someone that will benefit the most from my experience, someone that will value what I can bring to the table, someone that really needs to have their organization improved and managed - THAT'S ME!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Snicker at the vet

I took Snicker to see Dr. Pyne at Fallbrook Veternary Hospital. First off, I can't say enough about how GREAT this vet is! He is wonderful with the animals and the owners. I just love going there and so does Snicker. He knows everyone and is happy to see all of them, especially Brian! So thanks to them for being so wonderful.

Dr. Pyne gave Snicker a 'clean bill of health", which is SUPER FANTASTIC!! He has been through so much and to come out of it so quickly is amazing. Dr. Pyne was very pleased with how well he is, how healthy he is and how the mites that caused him tons of issues are GONE!! YIPPEE!!

Plus, I found out that Snicker is a Pug/Chihuahua mix or they called him a CHUG!! That fits him so perfectly ;) He weights 17.3 lbs, up .8 lbs from 2 weeks ago. He is such a good boy and he really showed off at the vet that he knows how to 'sit', 'down', 'watch me', 'take it', 'drop it', 'leave it', 'loose leash walk', and be really, really good. He showed off as much as he could, kissing and wagging all over everyone that works there.

So, Snicker is happy, healthy, smart and doing excellent. I'm a happy owner and will keep on teaching him as much as I can learn. Thanks to Critter Crossings for finding him for me. It certainly is a match made in HEAVEN!
"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!"
--- Eleanor Roosevelt