Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Wednesday - over the hump!

Been a busy day, filled with events:
  1. Beka safely arrived in Cincinnati tonight, vacationing there for 3 1/2 weeks.
  2. Dealt with rush hour traffic on I-5 South this morning and North after work. Made me appreciate the train :)
  3. Took Snicker for a walk. I still can't get him to walk good everytime. I am not going to give up, keep trying, he pulls, I correct, we walk.
  4. had a Venti Coffee Light Frappicino and a piece of low-fat Blueberry Coffee cake from Starbucks for dinner!!
  5. BLOGGED!!

My work here is done, a very successful day all-in-all!! More tomorrow

"The Future is Ahead of Schedule"
--- anon

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