Friday, September 28, 2007


I commute to work every day. You know I ride the train. It's a good way to get to work. But today i was thinking about something - it's kind of strange or weird.

I go the train station, stand around with tons of other people that you don't know. Then you get on the train with all these strangers and sit next to people that smell , you can hear their ipod playing, they are talking on the phone or to others on the train, reading books or working on the computer. But the point is you are riding with strangers.

Then when our train arrives at the station, a shuttle picks us to - and our shuttle gets quite packed depending on the time it arrives. I catch the early train and even that shuttle is full every morning. And the riders are just a subset of the train crowd of strangers.

Nothing out of the ordinary ever happens, we ride down the coast, I see the ocean, it takes 25 minutes with a few stops, I see cars, mountains, sunrise and sunset. It's a long day and I spend it with strangers. What's wrong with that picture???

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

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