Tuesday, November 29, 2005



I started missing my house the other day or was I really missing it?

Thanksgiving evening, he pulled out the Christmas decorations and brought them up to the apartment. That’s when I started missing my decorations. I was getting all sentimental. You might recall that over the summer I had the yard sale but the Christmas decorations didn’t sell.  So, when I put all the donation stuff together, I gave away 15 boxes of Christmas decorations!!! yep, that’s right! 15 boxes!!  

I had everything in there from indoor/outdoor lights to ceramic decorations. I had probably 15 years of collecting things. Some of them were from my Mom, some from my kids, some from stores that I bought and loved, some from yard sales and thrift stores. I decided to sort through it and I kept only a little bit. I kept one nutcracker, the first one that was “real”; tree ornaments that my kids made or gave me and other favorites, and a couple small nick nacks that belonged to my Aunt and Mom. I kept the ones that had memories and sentimental value to me.

In the summer, when I sorted and decided what to keep, I was content with my decision. I still am. I mean it is just STUFF…..stuff that can be replaced if we need it or want it. Anyway, now they will become someone else’s memories and sentiment.

So, last week it started with the Christmas decorations. Then I started thinking about where I put the decorations: my mantel, my room, the family room, the window sills, outside the house, the bushes, the gardens…the basement. Yep, I started thinking about some years when I loved to decorate and others when I did but complained. I thought about how my house looked, how I loved it once it was decorated, how it would have been so much better if he had been there with me over the years. I would have LOVED if he had been with me my whole life. We would have had a great life …… fun together …… great kids ….. a lifetime of memories!!

So then I started feeling nostalgic, “what-if” and “what could have been”. In other words, I started feeling sorry for myself for all the crap that I went through in my life, all the years I was alone and the other years when I wasn’t. They were good and bad, but nothing like it is now with him. I missed the house……but it wasn’t the house exactly. But I don’t know what it was exactly.

As I told him how the house looked, how much I loved it. I started to get teary eyed. Funny. I think the tears were because I still haven’t sold the house and I have to keep paying for it even though no one is living in it. (you know, I used to think people that did that were CRAZY for leaving their house!!) Anyway, in a flash, the memories in the house came rushing at me: the kids, the birthdays, the Christmases, the parties, the cookouts, the dinners, my friends, my cars, my dumb boyfriends that were about useless, the dog, the cat, nights alone, conversations, bottles of wine, great meals, the joy I felt when I bought it! Even though, I was scared to death to buy the house all by myself, I realized I could do it. I could afford it and we were very happy there. At the time, I never thought I’d leave it. I thought I’d live there forever. SURPRISE!!

Anyway, all these memories came flying through my head, like a movie on fast forward. It evoked my emotions and “ta-da” tears came flowing. He asked me to share with him what was wrong, so I did. You know, one of two things could have happened. He could have told me I was silly and chances would be that I would never tell him how I felt again. OR he could have done exactly what he did – he listened to me!! He listened while I explained I missed the house, the decorations, the Christmases there. I sobbed and sniffled. He held me and listened.

The best part, he knew just what to do and what to say to me to make me feel better. He let me feel my feelings, he didn't discount my fears or apprehensions, he let me get it all out, and then he said some things that made me feel better.

The truth is I don't miss the house or my stuff. I miss making money and working. I don't like living on my savings, but at least I have it. I have lived so much of my life in debt and always scraping to get by, I thought that was behind me. We're not scraping but I am getting in debt and will get more in debt before I start working again.

But once it's all said and done, I know I'm making the right decision. For the first time in my life I am happy. My personal life is great. I'm satisfied with how things are. I am not making my "usual" list of things that are wrong with him and all the reasons why I should break up with him ALREADY!! I always knew what the others were about and all their short comings. I put up with them anyway. But this time is different. He doesn't offend me, he doesn't do things that are shady, he doesn't over indulge in alcohol, drugs or other crap. He puts me on a pedestal, he takes wonderful care of me, his words uplift me, he's good for my soul. That's more important than a house or stuff.

But I still have to ask myself what was I really missing???

The kids – the memories – the “romantic” idea of what my life was about. But the truth was I did the best I could to get by, but I was not really happy. I was maintaining, leaning on my friends (which is ok, we leaned on each other), wondering what’s wrong with me because I could only attract the WRONG guy.

I used to go see a psychic a few years back. She was pretty right on when we talked about relationships. Every time I met someone, I would ask her about him and she was basically always right. She told me once that I already knew my “man”, my soul mate and that he would come back to me. Well, strange isn’t it??

So, I don’t miss the house anymore, I wish someone would buy it and really enjoy it, like we did. I do miss my friends, but I can talk to them and it’s not bad.

had fun working today

It was a blast today, getting out, meeting some people, installing a computer at each site. The first one took the longest, mainly because the employees didn't know anything about the installation, where the computer was, who was getting it. The manager was out of the office so I had to wait for someone to get in that knew the "ins & outs".

I think I was the only "girl" installing because every time I called in there were only guys on the call. The set up was really cool, we just dialed into a conf call number all day long, checked in and out, got help if needed, etc. I didn't really need any help. Just a couple small things. I just followed the directions/script and off I went!

8 hrs., 3 locations and 3 computers later. :) Hope I get to do some more of these. It would be nice to have a "little" more money.

sorry, Deb! Had to talk a little more about being unemployed.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Working Tomorrow


I won't make a ton of money, but I do get to work tomorrow. I'm doing a side job for Pomeroy and if it works out, I should get offered more of the same. I'll be upgrading some PCs at 3 business locations in the area. Piece of cake.

Still haven't heard on the other job and am still hoping that everything works out with SEI. All I can do is keep praying and hoping that the timing works.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


If you have been reading my blog, then you know what I mean by "Saturdays" and what they mean to me. We get to spend the morning in bed, cuddling and so on. It's great, we talk and laugh and kiss and well.....you know........for hours on end. Not bad for a middle aged man!! He's so affectionate, so attentive, so detail-oriented, if you know what I mean!! Oh MY!!

This morning was no different from any other Saturday. We got out of bed around 10, which is really late for us, remember we wake up at 4 am every day!! When we got up, I started turning on Christmas lights, it's so nice.......so cheery.......makes me feel excited about Christmas coming. All the presents are wrapped and in the closet, so I see them every day. I wonder what's in them. It will be great to open them and see what he thought I would like. After all of these years, he still knows me so well. He hasn't missed the mark yet.

We've had a wonderful day together, no different from other days. We cuddled on the couch, watched some old movies, The Big Sleep, the original Cape Fear, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and David Copperfield. Last night we watched Oliver Twist. Lots of fun. Lots of old movies. The best part is that he holds me, kisses me, hugs me, caresses me, squeezes me, and tells me he loves me. I LOVE THAT MAN!! How can I not??? He's absolutely wonderful.

Tonight he's playing his video game while I compose. You know, I am thinking of my book again. I am sure I have one in me. I'm not sure what it's about, but even if it's fiction, it will have something based on my life. So much has happened in my life. And my cousin even came up with a name for it. I won't tell the name right now. I'll just wait and see what happens. Maybe I'll start on it before the end of the year and just see how it comes out. Oh my...........I would so love to be a published author. Even if it stinks :) hehe!

Hope you're having a good weekend and had a great thanksgiving.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Ho Ho Ho!!

Will it ever seem like Christmas? It's warm enough here that it doesn't seem like Christmas. It reminds me of when I lived in Tucson way back when. But wait.......what is this???? I got up this morning and he was already putting up Christmas lights around the windows, we have decorations all over and don't even need the lamps, because of all the Christmas lights. It's wonderful! It really does feel like Christmas!!

We watched A Christmas Story and other Christmas movies. It was PERFECT!!

I have bought all my presents, I have to have them purchased and wrapped so I can take them home with me mid-December. Yep, I'm going home to visit my family, my friends and take care of a few things, like check on the house, see my gynecologist, get my hair done and get my surprise Christmas present for my honey. He will never guess!! I can't say right here either, because I don't know if he reads my blog or not. Wouldn't that suck if I told it here and he read it?? It would ruin the surprise.

Anyway, I will only be home for 5 days. I have alot to do in 5 days. Spend time with my kids - we are all staying with Tamara and Beka. Then I want to see Brian, Sherry, Mary Kay, Kim, Joe, and go to my cousin's to make ham salad. So, I will have to double up on my visiting and my schedule. I'm going to borrow Tamara's car, so I will probably have to drive her to work when I want to use it.

It will be hectic, but definitely FUN!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gooble Gooble Gooble!!

Yep, that's the theme of today, isn't it? Be thankful for the bounty that we have and then eat up the bounty!! Today was bittersweet. I loved cooking for us. He made dessert, pumpkin pie and fruit salad the night before and this morning when I got up, I started the dressing and turkey. I made the smallest turkey I could find, it was about 15 lbs. I always fix it in a bag, upside down so the juices will run through the breast. This year I did Nick Frohlich's trick he taught me oh so many eons ago - orange juice and whole fresh cranberries, simmer on the stove until the cranberries are cooked and the juice starts to thicken. Then pour the concoction into the turkey. If you are going to cook it in a roasting pan, then baste the turkey with it instead.

Anyway, I put the turkey in the oven, the dressing in the fridge to be cooked a little later, peeled the potatoes and parnips and put them on the stove in cold water. Everything was just waiting patiently for the turkey to finish. I guess by the time I got it all in the oven, etc. it was nearly noon. My plan was to have everything done around 2, so I was pretty much on schedule. We would be able to eat around 2:40 or 3 at this point.

We spent the day together, watching old movies, talking and enjoying each other's company. He played Oddworld for a while and I relaxed, waiting for the busyness to start when the turkey came out of the oven.

The dinner was fabulous!! He complimented my turkey, saying the white meat was not dry - nope, thanks to Nick Frohlich, it was wonderful. He helped me fix a turkey when Tamara was about 1, so 28 years ago!! OH MY!!

Speaking of Tamara, she and Beka cooked their own Thanksgiving Feast. They roasted a turkey, fixed mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, dressing, cheese ball, rolls, turtle brownies and enjoyed the day together. They video taped it for Darbi to see. I hope they save it for me. I would love to see it too!

I talked to my cousins, I miss them all. This is where the bittersweet comes in....I miss my family and the dinner, my girls, my son, my friends because I always cook the full dinner for my friends on Friday. But not this year, I'm committed to my new relationship and am cooking for him. But, you know what, my kids did good this year without me. They are growing up whether they want to or not. And it's really okay. They are fine with me and they are fine without me. One of these days, maybe Beka will come to live with us. Probably when we move to Southern California. But until then, she will live her life and learn to be responsible. And I love her, Tamara and Jake.

After dinner, my sweetheart pulled out all of the Christmas decorations and got them ready for the morning. Plus, we spent some time talking with his sister. She is so nice. Her daughter just had a baby at the end of October. So everyone is excited over the blessings that God has bestowed on them.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Bates Motel

The Bates Motel

AKA Motel6 in South San Francisco

After a busy day of driving, sight seeing and shopping, we were getting pretty tired. We still had a drive ahead of us to get to San Francisco. So we decided to grab a quick late lunch and head to our room.

We have simple tastes, so we don’t mind staying in motels. Besides, in San Francisco, just as any other big city, nice hotels in the city don’t include parking. I’ve paid as much as $100/day to park in NYC, about $50 in Chicago and the San Fran parking was about $30, so that’s pretty cheap. But still we decided to stay in a motel and the parking was included. Plus, we decided to stay in So. San Francisco to save a little ca$h. You know, without a second income, it’s a little more challenging!!

I booked this ahead of time on the internet. It allowed us to save some money. But, unfortunately, I didn’t get to see the building or the room except in “propaganda” pictures! Oops, I didn’t mean to say “propaganda”, I meant to say “marketing”. Well, anyway, we arrived after dark, there was no sign so we couldn’t find the motel. We didn’t get very good directions from the website, so I had to call the motel a couple of times. Good thing the man named Victor, was knowledgeable and helped us find the place. Then I checked in, went to the room and OH MY GOD!!

It was so bad, I took pictures!  I’ll post them later. Here’s what we found:
elevator that wasn’t working when he went to get our dinner
HUGE awful STAINS on the carpet.
sink that backed up
tub that backed up
bathroom door that was coming apart
noisy next door neighbors
and for the first time since I’ve been in California – REDNECKS in the lobby & halls!

Wow! it was so bad that I complained to Motel6. Still waiting to hear back. I hope they take me seriously, because it was terrible.

The bed was clean, clean sheets and towels. The bathtub was clean, so we stayed. But wow! it was different!! We stayed, had fun, enjoyed each other. It’s like always, we love being together and love each other so much.

Monday was a big day. So we got lots of rest!

San Fran weekend

What a great weekend!!

San Jose, San Francisco, Gilroy! Gilroy, you say?!? Where’s that and what’s that about?? Well, Gilroy is a small farming community that is famous for being the “Garlic Capital of the World!!” Chances are the garlic you have in your kitchen was grown and/or processes there. It’s so interesting because it’s a small community with large farms, then out of nowhere is Gilroy Premium Outlets. It’s 145 great stores at a major intersection on Rt. 101 and takes up 3 of the corners right off of the freeway. We had so much fun, going into all sorts of stores, looking around. Some had great prices and fantastic sales. Some were no different than going to Macy’s on a good sale day.

My daughter’s favorite store would be the Timberline outlet store. I have never seen one of those before and the prices were pretty good. If she had been with me, I would have been broke! She would have wanted tons of stuff!

When we move to southern California, we can visit other outlet malls. The Citadel in LA has about 90 stores. There’s not a Timberline outlet store at the Citadel Outlets in Los Angeles. Check out the webcam! You can see I-5 plus the access road to get to the outlet mall. The Carlsbad Premium Outlets is owned by the same management company as Gilroy and will be close to my house. They have about 90 stores, but no Timberline. Poor baby girl! I guess we’ll have to drive to San Jose to shop!!

But before we went shopping, we visited the Winchester House in San Jose. I wrote a little about the house before I went, but now that I’ve been there I can honestly say Sara Winchester was disturbed and had way too much money. Back around the turn of the 19th century she spent $5.5 MM to build, remodel, decorate, etc. the house. She believed that the carpenters had to work around the clock to keep the spirits of the people that were killed by Winchester Rifles away. She thought they killed her family and were going to kill her.

She was very superstitious – 13 was her favorite number and many things in her house were in increments of 13. Her favorite flower was a daisy and a perfect daisy has 13 petals. She loved leaded glass and tiffany stained glass. She had plenty of it and I loved that part. She had over 160 rooms, doors that go no where, windows that don’t go outside, buildings that were hodge-podged together. Really bizarre!! It was fun to tour it and walk through the gardens, see her fountains, beautiful plants imported from all over the world. She had good taste, but it was so inconsistently put together that it became strange.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


We're heading out today on a roadtrip. When we leave for every roadtrip we always stop at Starbucks to get coffee and muffins. I love that except we have the slowest and worst Starbucks around in Hanford. Here's a picture of it!! Unreal! And remember this is the same store that turned me down to manage it! I was willing to take a HUGE pay cut and work there. This morning we beat the crowd so it was fast!

We're driving to San Francisco to spend the night. We're going to the Winchester house today. It's in San Jose. Now that's an interesting place. Check it out. http://www.winchestermysteryhouse.com. Its interesting and weird. I mean she inherited millions and spent her whole life building this house because of what a psychic had to say! Gee, the power of bullshit!!!

Then we're heading into San Fran. Check into our hotel then head out into the city. Its gonna be fun.

On the way he stopped and bought me a Bonsai plant - a Japanese Juniper, I think. He's so great. He knows how much I love plants and how many I have away to move out here so he is replacing them. One at a time. So now I have 9 new plants. 2 roses, 2 orchids, 1. bromeliad, 3 philadendrums. (spelling?)

I love him! He's great! He's fun! He's so generous and loving! He loves spoiling me!

So here we are, driving to San Fran, listening to Marty Robbins on the cassette, yep, you read right - Marty Robbins! And we're having FUN!

Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Everything is going great

My best friend pointed out that I have been obsessing on my blog about job hunting, so I apologize for letting it consume me. It is my way to obsess, but I also know that it doesn't help to be that way. So, that's all I'm gonna say about not working.

Life is great here. We have fun, travel all over the state on the weekends, visit cities and sitesee. I just love it. He wants to show me all the things that he has seen over the years of living here. I've been to San Diego a couple of times. Eaten at some great restaurants in San Diego. Visited the Midway Aircraft Carrier at the San Diego Pier/Bay. Saw Imperial Beach, Coronado (wow, what a rich area that is!), North Island Naval Air Base from outside the base. Bought doughnuts and bread from Dudley Bakery - a very famous bakery in the area. A quaint gold rush town, Julian, which is full of gift shops. We bought a few things there including "Mom's Apple Pie", the best Apple Cider I've ever tasted, and some Christmas ornaments. We love Christmas.

We've also been to San Francisco, San Jose, Gilroy and are going back tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the Winchester House Tour in San Jose. We've been to the Hearst Castle and taken the tour. Then ate dinner at Morro Bay. We've driven through wine country. Been to LA a couple of times, and driven through Hollywood. Didn't stop just yet, have to make some plans to go places there too.

It's all very surreal and he makes it all very special. He's a great guy and I've never been happier.

And thanks, Deb, for pointing out that I've been too focused on what's NOT happening to appreciate what IS happening!!

Friday, November 18, 2005

3rd Interview

Will I get the job? Who knows? I've had 3 interviews now, I'm not sure how I did yesterday. It was a video conference interview with the management team. I've never done that type of interview, so I was self-conscious of being on their TV and how my mannerisms showed, how my hair looked, how my eye contact was, did I talk over them, did I interrupt? I don't know because I was nervous.

But, I have to say this: if I don't get this job, then it wasn't meant to be. I will find just the right thing. I am sure it will happen. In the meantime, I just want to enjoy my new life and be happy. And I AM!! wow!!

The good part about yesterday was driving to Irvine. yes, it was a haul, but it was fun. There's something enticing about driving through California for me. I know places are far, but it's a wonderful feeling, kind of freedom or something. I can't really describe it. Maybe it's a sort of romantic or even nostalgic feeling, based on novels and movies that I've seen growing up. There's excitement in going to the city. I know, maybe I'm being naive and you will read some day that I'm tired of it or tired of the traffic or I will be bitching about something. But don't we all! Overall, I am excited about moving to southern California and experiencing our life there.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

went to San Diego

over the weekend

we went to San Diego over the weekend. He wanted to take me around and show me the sites. We had a blast!! I got to meet an old friend of his. Then he took me to the Midway AirCraft Carrier and took the tour. We walked around down by the pier. He showed me the fish market, Coronado, North Island (where he will be working). We went to a Thai restaurant in Imperial Beach, a sushi restaurant in El Cajon (I think), stayed in a nice hotel.

Then we went to Julian in the morning and stopped at Dudley's Bakery in San Ysabel. Dudley's is a very famous bakery and people come from miles around to buy from them. It was delicious. Julian was very quaint, built around the gold rush time. The architecture of the buildings reminded me of the mid-west architecture. I could tell that the original founders were from the east and brought the style of houses and buildings to the west. It was very comforting in a way, kind of funny. It was very nice to walk around, look in the shops, in fact, he is totally fun to shop with. You don't find too many men that like to shop or you can have fun with shopping. He is both!!

He drove me the scenic route everywhere and I got to see some beautiful parts of southern California. He had stories of other times he had been there and they were fun to listen to. It's fun to go out and about with him. He loves to show me around. He loves to share with me. It's great!!

I drove us home from northern San Diego county. I drove all through the LA traffic on a Sat night. Can you believe it was bumper to bumper all through the city??? At least 1 1/2 hrs to drive through. I'm sure it's worse during rush hour. BOOKS ON TAPE will save the day!!

It's been a while

so much happens

I haven't written in a while, too busy job searching. Hoping to have another interview this week and get hired very soon. I need to get working, but I'm not going to stress over it. I did that last week and nearly got sick. Nope, no stress. I'll just work at working, diligently job search, that's all I can do.

And I think making the decision to move to the San Diego area has helped. More specifically, San Clemente or Oceanside. Oceanside is a little cheaper, so it will probably be an apartment there. I'm totally happy with the decision. Jobs are more plentiful and I have options: San Diego, Irvine, Orange County and LA, hopefully the south and west side of LA. The commute will be a little long, but hopefully I'll work somewhere where I can work from home sometimes.

Other than that, I still have to get a little Christmas shopping started and done. That's what I'm supposed to be doing right now, so as soon as I finish, I'm off. I'm going to go to the mall. The mall in Hanford is small, there's a Mervyn's, Penney's, Sears and Gottchalk's. Across the street is Target, Walmart and Marshall's. I should be able to get started there. Tomorrow I can head over to the outlet mall in Tulare and hopefully finish up. I don't have much money to spend since I haven't been working. Just a little something for my immediate family.

I found a new site today to upload pictures. If you have time, check it out. It's a Yahoo product: Flickr. Check 'em out. I had fun today putting these up. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pegs-pics/

I'll be travelling home for a visit mid-December as long as Delta is still in business. I hope to see as many of my friends as possible and still see my kids. They will all be in town!! What a fun 5 days that will be. Wonder what will happen if Delta goes out of business before then!! Hmmmm.. Any ideas?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oral Sex at the Synagogue - read on!!

Oral Sex at the Synagogue - Newsweek Society - MSNBC.com

Thank you Rabbi Marc Gellman for addressing this issue head on, no pun intended :) As parents, we have heard polls that teens and tweens have openly discussed how casual they see oral sex. We know that they consider it to be as casual as holding hands and kissing were during our youth. I can appreciate Rabbi Gellman's courage to speak out to his young congregation. This had to be one of the most difficult messages to deliver. Just think, how difficult is it to discuss sex with our children? It's kind of embarrassing, but discussing oral sex! Wow! Even harder to talk about! But if we (as adults and parents) think that teens don't think about it, talk about it, or do it, then we are sticking our heads in the sand!

The quote from the Talmud is the best! “Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man’s rib: Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.” Thank you, Rabbi Gellman, for reminding us of what God really wants for us: a beautiful, loving (marriage) relationship that includes a healthy and wonderfully satisfying sex life.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Hearst Castle and Morro Bay

The Hearst Castle and Morro Bay (Sat Nov 5)

A few weeks ago, my honey took me out for a day trip. We had the BEST time! We got up early in the morning, had a beautiful morning together as always. We love Saturdays, they are the best. We get to spend time together, no rush to get up out of bed, we get to hang out and cuddle, get to be alone with each other! It’s fantastic! So, we woke up really early and after we spent some time together we took off for the coast.

It was a nice ride, we drove through wine country. At 10 in the morning we stopped at a winery and he was going to buy me some wine to taste, but it was too early for me! I couldn’t believe that I turned it down, but I had too. I have to admit it sure did smell YUMMY!

We kept on our trip and before I knew it we were on the coast. It was beautiful, the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is quite different from the Atlantic. The first thing that I noticed there was no “ocean” smell like on the Atlantic. You know, that fishy smell, the breeze blowing the smell in. Then there were more rocks than sand in the part we were in. But it was absolutely beautiful!!

There were several nice, quaint towns along the way. Mostly tourist towns, few stores, very cute. Then we saw a long, line of Corvettes driving down Highway 1. We continued up Highway 1 and then all of a sudden there we were, up on the hill, the Hearst Castle.

It was magnificent. Very majestic. Very rich!! This is a picture of the pool outside the castle.

We took a tour and it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. He and I walked through this house, held hands and gazed at everything inside. It was wonderful to be there with him. He makes everything special. He makes it fun for me. I love sharing these moments with him. I love sharing all the moments with him. I feel like he really wants to be with me and he really wants to share his life with me. I have never thought that anyone really wanted to be with me. I mean, they were with me, but it didn’t take very long for me to feel like they really didn’t want to be with me. Like they really didn’t want to go do the things I like to do. But it’s different with him. He makes me feel like I’m important, like the things I like to do are fun for him too. I am telling you, it’s like we were always supposed to be together. Like he thinks I am wonderful and wants me to be happy. My happiness is enough for him. It’s crazy!

The tour was wonderful, the house was gorgeous and the company was the best!! They saved the best for last – the indoor pool. I mean it was terrific…real gold inlay in the floor, the pool was huge, had some little alcoves, was 10 feet deep all over, dark blue Italian tiles or marble or something. It was breathtaking. Here's a picture of the pool.

After we went to the castle, we drove south on Highway 1 to Morro Bay. Oh my God, it was just like something out of a movie! I was so overwhelmed. It was not like anything that I have ever seen. Seagulls, sailboats, restaurants, nice beaches, it was very wonderful. I just loved it. We went to a seafood restaurant on the bay. Oh my, the food was out of this world. So delicious, nice atmosphere. He got fish & chips and shrimp cocktail and I got shrimp louie salad and a bowl of clam chowder. It was as if we were in New England. I just loved it.

Here’s something that we do every time we eat out – you know how you get seated in a restaurant and the hostess puts you at the table that could seat 4 but there’s only 2 of you. They generally put each person across from each other, but we like sitting next to each other. We ALWAYS sit like this, from the first mean that we ate together in June at Red Lobster. I love it, we sit next to each other, hold hands, we smile at each other. It’s nice to be with him.

After dinner we walked through the twon. They were having a street fair with booths, selling food, jewelry, fudge, arts & crafts things, clothing and so on! It was only a block long but we enjoyed just walking together, looking at all the booths and holding hands. We bought some fudge, some really exotic kinds. They will last us quite some time. We stayed until sunset. I drove home from the coast, it was a pretty nice drive. Very nice time to be with him.

I love everything about him! All the good and all the bad. We all have good and bad, I don’t think that I could do anything he wouldn’t like either. It’s pretty good you know.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

still looking

Need to relax, enjoy life, and have faith...

Yep, that's what I'm going to do. I definitely need a job, I will not be happy without one. I don't like paying minimums on credit cards, I don't like using all of my savings to pay bills for a house I'm not even living in, I definitely need a job. I spend the better part of each day looking. I get up extremely early, get started by 5:30 am. I hit job boards, read about the industry, try to find recruiters that actually recruit - what a novel idea. I apply and apply and apply. One of these will come through I'm sure.

But in the meantime, I also have to enjoy our life and our "renewed & regenerated" love. Maybe it's time to write my screenplay. Don't you think there's gotta be a romantic comedy in all of this somewhere? I'm sure there is. If I could only get in contact with a writer friend of mine from high school - he lives in LA, very famous, how do I find him if he's not listed in the book? How do I find him professionally???

Over the last few weeks, things have been great. He surprised me with flowers. But this time, not cut flowers that will die, although they are absolutely wonderful, but flowers that will continue to live and grow with love and nurturing. Alot like our relationship. So I have two Miltonia Orchids and one Bromeliad. I have never had these kinds of plants before, so I'm learning about them. Already the bromeliad has a "baby" plant growing and when it's half the size of the "parent", then it can be safely repotted and start a new one. Very very cool. He also bought me mini roses, which I've had before, but not grown successfully. Since he's an accomplished rose gardner, I'm learning how to take care of them. It's rather easy, really.

So, needless to say, I'm happy with the way things are going. The only thing that could improve would be the job thing. I want a job, even a temp assignment. Something I could do from home would be perfect. Got something????