Friday, November 19, 2010

My Yarn Christmas Wish List

Definitely would like to win the Knit Picks contest to get up to $100 of my wishlist from them!!!!!!!!! SWEET!

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a miracle

My husband's kidney transplant is a success (so far!!)!!!  He got his test results back this morning and his creatinine numbers are in the NORMAL RANGE!!!  They may have not been in the normal range ever. This is truly amazing and a miracle!!

Thanks be to God who put made this possible by quickening the heart of the donor. To the donor, we will always remember you and pray for you and your family daily. To God, You are incredible, awesome, loving, fantastic, all-knowing and PERFECT!  Thank you for loving us!!
"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Monday, November 01, 2010

My husband's kidney transplant

We are all abuzz at our house as we get closer to the kidney transplant date. Today, we spent most of the day at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. He had pre-admission testing, meetings with the transplant coordinator, learned what to expect in the next week, the day of the transplant and the next 90 days afterwards. 

We are very excited and thankful to have this opportunity. We're glad to live in a time when organ transplants are even possible, much less "common place". It's truly a miracle.

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

wow, it's been a month!!

Time sure is flying by. I hadn't realized it had been a month since I last updated my blog. Unfortunately, I am out the door heading to the office but I can give a quick update to all the latest:
  1. Received my cello last week, it's been set up, new strings and I took my first private lesson last night. This is gonna be fun. I'll post some pictures that Roland took!! (This is my anniversary and Christmas present)
  2. Roland got a new camera, see #1, for his anniversary and Christmas present. It is a Nikon D-SLR camera with add'l lenses and the "works". He's tickled!! He never thought he'd like a digital camera, well, this is no run of the mill digital camera for sure! It takes fabulous pictures. I'll post some soon. 
  3. Working at a new client. New client + new project = EXTREMELY BUSY, trying to fit everything else in to my life. I find myself really tired for now. 
  4. A friend of mine invited me to work with her to establish and launch and maintain a new non-profit foundation. I'll post more about that later too. It's a GREAT idea. 
  5. and finally, I saved the BEST FOR LAST - Roland's KIDNEY TRANSPLANT is scheduled for November 9th. He has 2 more Dr appts, one of those is collecting last minute blood and a few other quick tests to make sure nothing has changed. We're so blessed and excited to receive this organ - it is truly giving him a new lease on life. The donor is anonymous and whoever you are - you will never really know how much this means to us. We are overwhelmed with your caring and generosity!! 
So as you see, I've been very busy and have some busy times coming up. I'll expand on a few of these later with pics.

One last note: (10/16) Happy Birthday Mom, I'm sure you're looking down and happy to see how your daughter's life is turning out!! Love you!!!!!
"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to the Future

We're back from a fun-filled week of learning about colonial history. We saw lots of historic sites, I now understand colonial history way more that I ever learned in school. We saw plantations, the Governors Palace, the courthouse for minor crimes, the capital building for felonies and meetings of the Virginia delegates. We saw films laying out the importance of the period.

I'd like to go again and take the grandkids. I think the girls will find it fascinating. So much better to learn the history in person than from a book.

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Crazy knitter loves Dexter

For the last 3 weeks I have been knitting dishcloths. If I don't have many interruptions, I can knit a dishcloth in an evening. They are mindless, so easy to knit while watching DEXTER Season 3 & 4.  I'm only 3 episodes to be caught up, just in time for Season 5. Ah, and it's oh so good! 

Want a dishcloth?

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's Family Time

It's a family weekend!! My son, his wife and 17 month old daughter - our granddaughter :) 

They are visiting from Kansas City. It's been 5 months since I saw them, so I'm especially excited to have them around. It's wonderful to see them, hold my granddaughter, watch how much she can do now, how much she's grown. It's amazing in 5 months how much a child changes!!  She's walking, dancing, singing, talking, swimming, up and down the steps, playing all the toys, reading all the books. She loves the dogs, the yard, the pool. And of course her grandma and grandpa!!!! And everything is quick - short attention span, she does something for a few minutes, then off to something else. So much fun! So much action!! She wore me out!!

So, in the usual way at our house - there's lots of food, lots of laughter, good stories, catching up, and excellent family time. It's a short time, but a good time.

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hummingbird Hawkmoth

This strange looking critter hangs out on our butterfly bushes. We've seen at least 3 of them out there. Plus we think some of what look like butterflies are really hummingbird moths. Very interesting and fun to watch. Totally harmless, they just love the nectar. '

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Thursday, August 05, 2010

sarah mclachlan - i will remember you

This video makes me think of the journey my hubby and I took to get here. So much in love.

I will always remember you sweetie!

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone. Please pardon any typos.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Roland's quest for a kidney

I like to think of myself as a technologist. Professionally, I help companies find technology solutions to business problems. Now I get to use my skills for my husband.

As many of you may know, Roland has Polycystic Kidney Disease, for more info.  We are in the process of creating a blog just for his, a facebook page to raise awareness and get out the word that he needs a kidney. So look for these 2 new sites, I'll publicize them on FB and my blog. I sure love him and want him to have a good quality of life, much better than he has now.

I like to support others in this effort as well, here's a few websites and folks that need a kidney. I pray that donations come forth for all.

Melissa Freiberg Larson has 2 sites for more info: 
Melissa Freiberg Larson Kidney Transplant Motorcycle Run

Jeff has interest from FB users: 
Jeff Timpanaro needs a kidney transplant

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Friday, July 09, 2010

my garden update


The pictures of my garden were taken on July 4th. I'm so excited because everything is going pretty crazy.  I put on one dose of 3-3-3 Organic Fertilizer that I purchased from Marvin's Organic Gardens

At the time of putting it on 13 days ago, my plants were "ok" but I was concerned about their scrawniness. The stocks were small. But not any more!!  

Look at everything! It's taking off. I'm due to put another dose of fertilizer on tomorrow and I'm so excited to see how everything will grow and grow.  One thing that Wes told me was to remove the flowers and small tomatoes off of my tomato plant until the end of June. I was a little nervous about that. But, once again he was right!! I have a zillion tomatoes, my plants boomed and are strong. I am looking forward to pulling some ripes ones in the next few weeks!! 


And here's our first "crop". Green beans, chard, peppers, okra, lettuce, basil.  We had it for dinner last night with a nice pork chop.  Yum! 

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Moody Blues Concert

 We had killer seats for the concert. Right up front, the stage was 6 feet away from us! I absolutely loved the concert, the music sounded great as ever and they are by far my favorite concert!

We go every year, to me, they are sort of our "fall in love" music. Wildest Dreams, I Know You're Out There Somewhere, Question, all made me think of my honey. And now here we are, together for the rest of our lives.

And you know, he's my Knight in White Satin :)

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Hawk

Yesterday in the middle of the afternoon I had the pleasure to step outside to walk to another building for a meeting. It was GLORIOUS!! Blue skies, white puffy clouds, bright sunshine, low humidity, plush trees and a hawk seamlessly soaring overhead. The hawk’s flight pattern was light and whimsical. He seemed so blessed to be flying in the beauty of the day. In and out of the tree tops, rising up and up then turning and gliding down and down. Absolutely free!!

I was reminded of God’s glory and love for all creatures. He provides for each one of us in so many ways. He tells us in Matthew 6:25 – “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?”

Just like the hawk, so free, dipping and rising, enjoying the wind carrying him through the sky, that’s how I feel sometimes. At times, I feel like I am soaring through life, confident that I will dip and rise, carefree knowing that my needs are being met, I feel peaceful with the perfect peace that can only come from God, the peace that passes all understanding. Even when my circumstances are challenging, I don’t waiver in my faith that God will carry me through the rough times as well as the good times.

I have become politically opinionated and when I used to look at the insanity around me, I would find myself getting anxious and worry would try to creep in, but much of the time, I lean on God and trust Him that he will find a way for everything to work out for His good. I mean, we will face higher taxes, higher healthcare costs, higher energy costs and our disposable income, if we’re lucky enough to have any, will shrink and shrink. We’ll have less money to save and invest for a retirement future. But I have to trust that when He told us to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s that if we follow His word, we will be like the Hawk – free to trust that God will meet our needs.

Free……free as a bird……free to love God…..and trust God……free to be me.

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Monday, June 14, 2010

Life & Death

The last 2 weeks have been quite a ride of emotion and life events. It started with my husband in the hospital. He's got a terminal disease, PKD - polycystic kidney disease. And even though it's our reality with dialysis, a huge regimen of drugs, we don't really think about death on a daily basis. Or at least we don't talk about it. But when he was in the hospital our mortality was in my face and I'm really not ready for it.

But since then, I've been to a baby shower - such a blessed celebration of life! Then to a wedding of a dear, old friend. Another wonderful celebration with family and friends! Both events were lively and fun, filled with laughter and love.

Our lovely Lyrikah had her first swim in our backyard pool. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in the garden, digging in the dirt is so therapeutic - but I got stung by some unknown assailant in my flower bed - enough that I actually had to go to the Dr! 

My ex-husband and I have actually figured out how to have a "friendly" relationship and our kids are overjoyed! I really have to thank Beka for reminding me how much she loves him even with all his flaws. As a result my house is getting a facelift and paint will be going on the walls starting today!!

A friend of mine's daughter, Shelly, is exactly the same age as Jake, 25, born the same day. Shelly's daughter, Melanie, was 6 years old and died in March due to cancer. Shelly had such a hard way to go herself, because I have learned she too, has cancer. Things escalated and she had to have surgery last Thursday. They removed the tumor, think they have it all and now will face chemo and radiation treatments. The prognosis is hopeful.

After all of those events, the final curtain has fallen on 2 people that I know. My friend, Steve's dad, Al. He was elderly, lived a nice long life and died in his sleep. Very restful way to go. He had some health issues, but refused treatment because he was ready to go and wanted to go at home. Blessings to his family - the funeral is this Thursday night.

But the shocker of the week - my friend Jeff who painted my house in Reading when I was moving to California. Jeff was a great gardener, my inspiration for learning organic gardening. He knew everything about growing anything. He was only 48 years old. The sad part for Jeff is he was an alcoholic, druggie guy. We all loved him anyway, because we didn't have to deal with the aftermath of his addictions. But his Mother will have to bury him and Jeff didn't have anything. So, this will be a sad sad day coming up.

2 little weeks in the life ... and see how many things have happened!  It's a constant reminder of how precious life is. Love, laugh and live!!!  It's gone in a blink.
"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Saturday, June 05, 2010


I've just spent the last 3 hours outside in the gardens. I got up promptly at 6am because Lyrikah spent the night and I wanted to get my work done before she woke up. And thankfully, the plan worked. I even have time to spare to blog this morning!!

My vegetable garden is looking good. Everything seems to be staying alive and I have very little weeds so far. If you recall, I used the method taught me by Wes as Marvin's Organic Gardens in Lebanon, Ohio: raised beds - 8" of compost - 10 pages thick of newspapers - topped with cold compost (grass clippings and chopped leaves mixed).

When I planted I made cuts and holes the size of the plant. Now I'm wondering if that was a big enough slice in the paper. I am going to email Wes and ask him. Here's what I see happening, the tomato plants are getting fruit, but they are not growing very much, not getting much taller. A few other of my plants are doing the same thing. Now, some are not - like my beans are going crazy, peas are coming up and growing, Okra is booming, eggplant is too. But tomatoes, some herbs, greens (chard, kale) and pepper plants don't seem to be thickening in stalk and growing very tall. It's only been a few weeks, but I would have expected to see some growth.

In the front, I have a flower bed under my living room windows. It's a nice size and the guy that sold us the house planted some small bushes there. They are actually pretty nice, keep their shape and are very green. So, in front of them every year I plant some annuals. I've tried impatiens, marigolds and none have done so great - so this morning, I got up, weeded the bed, turned over the dirt, and planted zinnias and wave petunias. I picked white, yellow, orange and lavender zinnias and filled in with purple petunias. I hope they flourish out there.

We think that this is the last year for this bed as is. Next year, we are considering making a kidney shaped raised bed in the front yard further out near the street. I'll get top soil and compost brought in once I know the shape and size. Then we'll transplant those bushes, hoping to get a good transplant. In between the bushes, I'm planning on flowering perennials. Some very colorful with large flowers. I'm going to try to plan it so we have flowers all growing season from different plants. This will be a fun project for sure!

Hubby will fill the bed with tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinths bulbs for early blooms. He loves bulbs!! Then he will consider summer bulbs, but he has to investigate more. Since he's lived in California most of his adult life, he is used to being able to leave the bulbs in the ground. Here in the midwest, you have to pull them up in the fall and store them in a cool, dry place - basement. Then replant them in the spring. This is primarily why I never bothered with gladiolas and the like. Too much work!! But, we'll see what he decides. He may convert to perennials!!

I still have 3 flower beds to weed, but it's getting ready to rain and Lyrikah will surely wake up soon. So, for today, 3 hrs in the garden is probably enough for me.

"...And in the end... The love you take is equal to the love you make."---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

All Turned Out Well

Hubby is recovering nicely. Dr's decided it was a viral infection when all the test results came back "normal". And as we all know, "Normal is GOOD"!! He's been recovering at home since Wednesday night. I think today, he's finally feeling like is "normal" self or at least pretty close :)

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. God is good and answers our prayers!

"...And in the endThe love you take is equal to the love you make."---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Hubby is in the Hospital

I took my dear hubby to the hospital Monday at 2:30 am. By 7am they decided to keep him. Apparently he has Acute Pancreatitis which may be caused by either his Gall Bladder or his meds. They have given him a CT Scan on his mid section to look at the inflamed pancreas and surrounding areas for any other reasons that could have caused this attack, plus today they did an ultrasound to get a good look at the gall bladder.

I'm planning on being at the hospital by 9:30 so when the dr gets there around 10 or so, I can hear the problem and planned treatment.

I'm praying for a speedy recovery and easy but effective treatment.

"...And in the endThe love you take is equal to the love you make."---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Friday, May 28, 2010

Attributes I Wanted in a Husband

Over 5 years ago, I finally sat down with my journal and wrote this VERY list of the top attributes I wanted in a husband. My son suggested I do this. I'm so glad he did, because once I wrote it down the blinders were lifted and I could clearly see what was important to me. NO MORE COMPROMISE!  When I think of a lot of my relationships or dates, they were mainly me compromising and accepting these guys 'as they are' but they weren't what I really wanted.

I suggest everyone does this - it's your roadmap to a successful relationship. And lo and behold, within a year of writing this out, God answered my unspoken prayer and sent me Roland. A lot of people meet him and wonder about him because he's so quiet. But rest assure - he is this list!!  I love him sooo much!

Here's the top attributes on my list:
  1. he cannot be addicted to alcohol or drugs, recovering or active. It's preferred that he can go out to dinner or a party, have a drink and be socialable. No judgement on me because I have a drink.
  2. he has to have a career. I do, so should he.
  3. he has to have a retirement plan. Hey, I'm not getting any younger!! I want to know that I am not going to be stuck working until the day I die! Not only does he have to have a plan for the future, he has to have money saved so that it can come to fruition.
  4. he has to love my kids, even though they are grown up and may/may not live with us. First and foremost, I will ALWAYS BE A PARENT!!
  5. he has to have his own place to live - apartment, condo or house, I don't care. He CANNOT live at home with his parent(s), unless it's due to parental illness or some other extenuating circumstances that is beneficial to the parent(s).
  6. he must have a creative outlet - play an instrument, love music, movies, and art, paint, draw, read books, even playing video games is acceptable. However, the creative outlet can't be the only thing they do!! i.e. if they are a non-working musician they have to have another job. 
  7. he has to know how to clean up after himself, can't be a slob, know how to do the dishes, laundry, clean the house.
  8. he has to be handy around the house, general maintenance, lawn care, house care.
  9. he has to like to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. I am a vegetarian that eats fish (sometimes grilled chicken) and I cook some very interesting dishes. He has to be adventurous with his diet and willing to try new things as I find them. He has to like to try new restaurants and ethnic food.
  10. he has to LOVE THE OUTDOORS! I do and I can't fathom my life without being outside. I love to camp, I love to visit the mountains, tne woods, streams, fields, trees, lakes, sandy beaches, anything outdoors!! I love the fresh air and the beauty of God's creation.
  11. he has to have a good sense of humor, an even temperment, be able to put up with my constant need for communication, talking, writing, doing anything. He has to understand that I am an extremely outgoing person and need external stimulation of all kinds.
  12. he has to like my friends. I have some neurotic friends, don't we all?? He even has to like them!! I have friends that I have had my whole life, since I was 5, 12, 21. I won't give them up for anyone.
  13. he has to like sex as much as I do or more. None of this - once in a while crap, it has to be on a regular basis.
  14. he has to think that I am beautiful and have a great body. Even when I don't think it's so great! I mean, I've lost 55 pounds since Sept. and am still working at it to lose more. 
  15. he has to think I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him.

"...And in the end The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Garden 2010

My vegetables are in the ground. I'm waiting for the seats to sprout and start seeing them pop up through the ground. I'm going to post pictures on a weekly basis and will share my schematic of my garden and my method that I have learned. I've combined 2 methods and it should produce PLENTY!!

More later on this............

"...And in the end The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is almost here. I always loved Mother's Day. I only had a Mom around, so it was great! Needless to say, Father's Day sucked.....But that's another story.

So ever since I can remember, Mother's Day was dinner out, a flower or plant for my Mom, a handmade card, generally something I made at school or church and just a great day, letting my Mom know how much I loved her.

For the last 33 years, I've been both a daughter and mother. And for the last 17 years, I've also been a grandma. My kids have always honored me on Mother's Day as I continued to honor my Mom until 1992 when my Mom passed away. So for the last 18 Mother's Days it's just been for me.

It doesn't mean I don't miss my Mom - if you read my blog you know that on occasion I write about her. know, I do miss her.  I miss her terribly. So another Mother's Day is here and now all of my kids have kids and now I get to honor them in a special way for being such good parents. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for them this year yet. Something.

And the good thing is that Father's Day doesn't quite suck so much now that I have Roland and Jake is a father. It's all coming around full circle.
"...And in the end The love you take is equal to the love you make." ---The Beatles
Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 08, 2010

"just because" Flowers

I love when Roland gives me flowers just because he was thinking of me
and loves me. He's the BEST!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Heading to Kansas City tomorrow

Here the weather is not so great, they got snow!! But that's ok, we're going anyway. Want to see my family..

I'll post pics later this week.

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

We're at Frisch's

This was last week but isn't it adorable!?! Baby Lyrikah sitting with
us in the booth ;). We just love her so much!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Oh my ... Sick :(

I'm pitiful today, worked all day and it was rough. Now I'm home,
enjoying a cup of hot Ginger tea and wheat toast. Hope I feel better.

Sent from my iPhone. Please pardon any typos.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Baby Feet Washcloths

Here are the ones I've made so far. One for Lyrikah and for Sophia's
son in 6 weeks!! Awe.

Baby Shower Today

Today, we're going to a baby shower. It's so fun to look at baby clothes and accessories. And it's amazing all the cute things that are for sale for babies. Plus, they need so much!!

I made a foot print washcloth as part of the gift. :)

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Monday, March 01, 2010

We are a 4 iPhone family

Plus we own an iMac! Shouldn't we get something from Apple? Like stock
options - haha!

Sent from my iPhone. Please pardon any typos.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Time to eat!

Snicker was watching the food, Lyrikah was watching Snicker!! But she
ate it all up!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Cute Hat!!

It's even cuter on her than I thought;)
I'm so proud of all the cute things I have made.

Lyrikah's new hat

I knitted a new hat for Lyrikah yesterday. It's so cute!!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Enjoying a Friday Night In

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! We don't care, Lyrikah & Beka
are spending the night again.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Movie Review: Extraordinary Measures

First of all, this movie makes me so thankful that my children were all healthy and so are my grandchildren. The next thing I think of after watching this movie is all of the children that are not as healthy. The miracle of modern science to be able to figure out how to replace an enzyme and to reverse a disease. Just think of it. To a non-scientist is just amazing. I understand technology, I understand science. But it must be such an awesome feeling to be that scientist that discovers a cure or a medical treatment to save a life.

I have prayer and I use it as my "help". Scientists have passion & knowledge to persevere. I am so thankful to science and to doctors for the vision and drive; and to God for the knowledge and gifts He has given. It's just awesome. 

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Friday, January 15, 2010

Snicker's eye is all better !!

Looks great! Thanks Dr. Lies.

Snicker coming home today

Snicker had to go to the vet for Cherry eye surgery last night. It sure was quiet around here all day. and I missed him.

Can't wait for him to be home in about an hr.

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Love Me Tender-Elvis Presley-That's The Way It Is

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone. Please pardon any typos.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dinner at TGIFriday's = BIG mistake!! Unfortunately I didn't find the nutritional details before I ordered!! Don't order pecan-crusted chicken salad if you are on a diet!! I could've had a burger and fries and had less FAT! 50 grams in a freaking salad! I am soooo mad that I made the worst menu choice on the planet tonight. Just think of all the other really great things I could've had: like a burger & salad, wings & beer, salmon & Alfredo pasta. All have less fat than that damn salad. Eeck!!

I still haven't gone over points for the day but it wasn't a good day for dieting. Besides it didn't even taste that good!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Weight Watchers: week 1

well - I usually do much better my first week, but at least I know that I stuck to the program, made better food choices, tried working on my attitude about food and am hoping for better results next week. Lost 0.8 lbs. It's a start.

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Latest Knitting Project complete

Rollie's hat and scarf - he'll need it this week, it's so cold outside! and SNOWY!!

Tamara's scarf - nice and soft and warm.......!!

"...And in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make."

---The Beatles

Thanks for reading my Heavenly Thoughts

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Beka & Lyrikah matching outfits

How sweet! We had lunch together after yoga/church. Nice to spend a
little time together.