Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

We had a great evening!! Believe it or not, we're already done celebrating and it's only 11:27 pm!!

We went to a friend's house for a nice, intimate New Year's Celebration with a twist. First, there was quite a few people there, about 35 people accepted the invite. Her parents were visiting from Hawaii, so I finally got to meet them. Very nice, sweet couple. Lots of great "kid" stories about their daughters, both of which are my friends! I loved that!!

The food was great, which was no surprise - some wonderful spring rolls, egg rolls, rice, corn salad, and homemade desserts. Of course, I had the chocolate - I've become such a chocolate freak - I never was that much before!! But anyway, it was so homey, comfy, fun.

We donned New Year's hats, lays, noise makers, glow-in-the-dark bracelets, champagne and at 9 PM Pacific Daylight Time which is 12 AM Midnight in Cincinnati or NEW YORK - so we watched the ball drop, counted down EAST COAST TIME and had a wonderful time!!

By 9:30 PM we were on our way to our next stop - Del Mar Holiday Lights! That was pretty cool, we drove through the Del Mar Racetrack which was all decorated with Holiday Light displays. It's great, we drove through a lighted tunnel, drove all around past all of the displays - tons of lights, interesting displays, like not only the typical Santa, Reindeer, Rudolf, Snowmen, twinkling lights - no, they had all of those plus really cool displays - snowmen playing golf, volleyball game, Santa surfing, Iwo Jima, American Flag, icicles, guys fishing, ferris wheel, castle, and a bunch of other lights.

I guess you had to be there - but nevertheless - it was really good. My sweetie is such a sweetie! He thinks of everything and likes to share things with me. I love that about him. He's so fantastic!!

He made this a PERFECT New Year's Eve! Thanks!!

p.s. - I heard from my kids and they were all celebrating the new year, being safe and smart!! Thank God for that!

p.s.s. - I can't wait for Beka to get home next week! Tamara's coming with her and I can't wait to see both of them.

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

-- Colin Powell

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