I do try, I check my email often throughout the day and I try to answer it pretty quickly. I still get asked if I know other professionals for job opportunities and mostly in Cincinnati, not in So Cali. Then I try to keep up with what's going on in Cincinnati, I even listen to radio stations there so I can hear the news from time to time. The problem with that is I get homesick and kind of bitchy - hehe! Shame on me!
But now that I've been here in San Diego for 6 months, I'm making some friends - at work and in my apartment complex - so I'm starting to accept invitations to outings and parties. I know that it's healthy for me to socialize, it's how I am. I've never been a person to just stay home all the time, although I like staying home, I also like to get out once in a while. I realize that my honey's health may prevent him from going with me all the time. But that's ok, if it's something that I really want to do, I will go. Afterall, I live in So Cali and want to experience as much as possible. I want to see as much as I can, do as much as I can.
So in this condundrum to communicate with my old friends, have a personal relationship, become more social, and have personal time to read, relax, swim, workout and then I have to support myself - so there's the ol' job! My time is spread thin, that's for sure.
The moral of the story is.....if I owe you a phone call, a letter, an email, an IM or a text message, I will try to get back to you as quickly as I can. I guess it's better than owing you money!!
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
- Robert Frost
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