Moving Sale today!! Come One, Come All and buy my stuff!!
That’s what I hope happens. Funny, I woke up early thinking that my phone would start ringing off the wall this morning. I thought that because I placed the ad in the paper to start on Thursday. My phone rang off the wall Thursday and Friday and I had people come over an actually buy stuff!! I am leaving in ONE WEEK! It’s hard to believe that the time is already here.
Next Friday night, he’s flying in from California to drive me home. After I get out there and start working, then we’ll sit down with the calendar and set the date. You know me, I have to have a job and money coming in – especially because my house is still for sale!
WANNA BUY A HOUSE?? that’s a separate blog that I’m going to post in a while.
Well, I have tons of things to do over the next week. I have lots of work to wrap up, I have to finish cleaning the house, I have to have the carpets cleaned, cut the grass for the last time – I sold the lawnmower and luckily the guy is letting me use it one last time ( haul away anything that didn’t sell to the Goodwill truck, And I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting!!
But all-in-all, it’s gonna be a good week because at the end of it, I’ll get to see ‘my honey’ and my daughter. Then I will be home with him to stay!!
…..and they lived ‘happily ever after’………….isn’t that how the story goes?
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