Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Back At Work

and it's a bit strange

Today, I came back to work. It's not too bad. First of all, my phone is not ringing in my office, it's going straight to voice mail, thus pretty quiet. Had a full day of reviewing February revenue, so that is always fun, especially when I find errors and we get to invoice more :) Had 200+ emails to read, but couldn't do them because of the revenue review, so tomorrow, I'll tackle those. My projects were fine while I was out, so at least I know that much!

The extraordinary good things included a vase of fresh cut flowers from Randy, that was soooooooooooo nice, they are beautiful and I know if I take them home, they'll freeze, so I'll leave them here. They make me smile everytime I see them, and God knows, I could use some smiles; my VP personally asked how I was doing and that meant alot to me, he was wondering if I had heard anything on the test results yet, and to let him know on March 16 what I find out; my clients had left voice mails wishing me well and my colleagues sent me emails and messages asking how I was doing.


Thanks to everyone that inquired about my health. It sort of makes the other crap that happened yesterday a little easier to swallow.

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