Thursday, July 05, 2007

Holiday recap

I hope everyone had a fun day yesterday, celebrating our country's 231st birthday. My daughters were 2 of 600,000 people that went to beaches in San Diego County yesterday!! I loved it because there was NO traffic on I-5 all day long - thanks!

I made homemade fish & chips, drove my girls to and from the beach, took my dog on a long walk in Oceanside where it was nice and breezy. It was a good day.

Today is back to work, so I gotta run! Work is calling :) Have a great day!

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy July 4th

Happy Independence Day! I hope you take the time to enjoy the REAL reason for the day - our independence from the Mother Country. Our independence from taxation without representation. Our independence from an "uber government" vs. government by the people, for the people.

I know we have issues in this country and I know that we are overtaxed, overburdened, over-governmentalized (not sure if that's really a word). But I do know with all our imperfections it's still the BEST PLACE ON THE PLANET TO LIVE. We have natural resources, plenty of food, water, money, businesses, opportunities, education, freedom to support, complain, protest, make a change. Yep, it's the best place. And that's why so many in the world hate us.

But on this Independence Day 2007 we must remember that over 200 years ago, we left the tyranny of the Mother Country, formed our own government, tried to improve our way of life and generation after generation we want more for our families, more of a legacy, more peace, more happiness, more of everything.

God Bless America, the people in it, the politicians that are making decisions, the soldiers who risk their lives to protect our freedom, the military families that sacrifice their loved ones for our safety, our neighbors and co-workers, family and friends. God Bless our way of life, our freedoms. God, please protect our cities from terrorists, from those who hate us. God, help those that are addicted to drugs and alcohol, giving them a new hope to be clean and upstanding members of society. God bless the mothers and children, husbands and fathers, brothers and sisters. Protect and keep us and our lovely land.

God guide us to do the right thing, to love our country, to protect our way of life. God protect those that have been wrongly accused and provide a "back door" for them to be given their freedom.

Thank you God for all of Your wonderful blessings on this Independence Day.

"No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive."
--- Thorstein Veblen